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Readers, thank you for your interest in my book!

This has been a pet project for a few years now, but due to procrastination it still is not finished. I did at one point publish an earlier draft on Wattpad, and the deadlines and audience really inspire me to, you know, write!

I'm infamously bad at summaries, so forgive me for that.

Basically, my story is about god-like people known as Representatives, and make your government puns as much as you want, my mom and I have made them all. More backstory and exposition is in the story itself, but that's the basics.

There are 5, eventually 6 but shush, narrators, because I don't know how to stop splitting my narration. 

So it follows them, their friends and not-so-friends, and the whole fight of 'please don't shoot me in the face.'

Any trigger warnings specifically will be listed in bold, as will any authors notes. I use italics instead to focus things. In general though, there's a basic fight scene thing, so blood and death warnings, and a lot of covering of visual and auditory hallucinations. One of the narrators has schizophrenia, I don't know what you want from me.

Updates every other weekend, no exact day because my mom edits my books and I don't want to rush her perfection.


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