She mumbled something to James, "I'll be back...", stuffed the parchment into her robes, and practically ran to the nearest bookshelf. She didn't notice James' amused smile as she scurried away from him.

Safely hidden out of sight from the boy in question, Lily rested her back against the bookshelf and unfolded the parchment again. She smiled softly as she read through the contents of her unsent letter to Marlene, the one she had written weeks ago at the start of the term.

She had written it just after their duel with the Slytherins when she had actually begun to warm up to James. Parts of the letter stood out to her as she realized how much her opinions about him had changed since her first year at Hogwarts.

'... James was there for me, though...'

'... He's a fighter and a strong leader...'

'... I think I've finally come to respect James Potter...'

Lily was reminded of the events the night she wrote that letter, but her heart warmed as she remembered what he had told her that night. He had said that he would fight for people like her until his dying breath.

Lily tried to suppress her smile as she thought about all the things he had done for her since then. However, she was ultimately unsuccessful and anyone who might've stumbled upon Lily Evans would've found her behind a bookshelf clutching a worn piece of parchment, smiling like a lunatic.

Until she heard it.


Lily stiffened and peered around the end of the bookshelf, the smile melting off her face, just in time to see James look up from his textbook to face a petite brunette.

"Erm, yes?" he asked, confused.

"Hi! I'm Helen! I'm a sixth-year Hufflepuff and I've been having some trouble with, erm-" She glanced down at his essay, "Charms! I was wondering if you could help me out."

"Oh! I'm actually not that good at Charms. I could ask Lily, though. She's pretty much a genius when it comes to Charms."

Behind the bookshelf, Lily felt her face warm with pride, but the moment was short-lived as the girl began to speak again.

"Haha, that's alright! I also needed some help with Transfiguration and I know you're an expert at that. Would you be able to help me?" she asked him, fluttering her eyelashes.

"Er- I would, but I'm actually pretty busy this term. I could talk with McGonagall and ask her to set you up with a tutor."

The girl frowned a little bit but straightened up almost immediately. She reached out and lightly touched James' arm. "But, I want the best, and I heard that you're the best."

Lily's hands formed fists as she fought the urge to amputate the girl's arm.

James cleared his throat awkwardly and shifted away from her. "I'm sorry, Helen. I suggest you find someone else to help you. As I said before, I'm very busy and I couldn't possibly take the time out to tutor you. If you really need some help with the class, I would be more than happy to find you someone who knows the material."

As he finished, James shut his book and finally made eye contact with the girl, noticing her slumped posture. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair before speaking.

"However, I would be able to look over your work after you've finished and possibly give you a few tips...?" James told her, earnestly.

The girl, (Helen, Lily reminded her herself) unsure of how to take his response, twisted her lips into a semblance of a smile. She stole one last glance at James Potter before excusing herself back to her friends.

Lily watched the entire exchange unfold and let out a breath she wasn't even aware she was holding in. Her fingers curled around the letter she had hastily shoved into her pockets. She sighed. They were just friends, nothing more.

"Ah, Evans. I never took you for a stalker," a smug voice said from behind her.

Lily whirled around to face the last person she wanted to see, Sirius Black. She flushed, the heat coloring her cheeks red, as she realized she had been found in a rather compromising position. She quickly racked her brain to find some excuse to explain why she had been, to put it lightly, spying on the Head Boy.

"Er- I was just looking for a book," she lied, lamely.

Sirius smirked, noticing the way her face had turned the same shade as her hair, "I didn't realize that a book could make you drool. Congrats, Evans, you've impressed me with your attention to detail."

"Never thought I would see the day when Sirius Black walked into the library. Honestly, I didn't even think you knew how to read," Lily retorted, crossing her arms.

"Nice try, Evans. Let's see what James has to say about this, huh?"

Lily blanched. "What? No- Sirius- please-"

Her protests were met on deaf ears as he brought her out from behind the shelves.

"James! Look who I found lurking around the bookshelves," Sirius announced, throwing his arm around Lily's shoulder and leading her towards James.

"Lily!" he said, his face brightening as he sought out her green eyes, "Where'd you go?"

Lily scowled at Sirius as he plopped himself into a chair next to James. She took her seat again, ignored Sirius' self-satisfied look, and forced herself to look at James.

"Just looking for a book," she repeated, but then gathered the courage to ask, "Anyways, what did Helen want?"

James scrunched his eyebrows together. "Who?"

Lily sighed and waved her hand, dismissively, trying to put on an air of indifference, "You know, the girl who was here?"

"Oh," James straightened up and shrugged, "I dunno. She said something about Transfiguration."

"I think what the Lovely Lily wants to know is how much time you'll be spending with this other girl. Evans wants you all to herself," Sirius piped up, watching the exchange between the Head students with a smirk.

Lily's mouth dropped open and she lobbed one of her quills at him. It hit him squarely in the middle of his forehead, leaving behind a small stain of ink.

"Merlin, Lily! No need to get violent, I was only trying to help," Sirius exclaimed, rubbing the spot on his forehead where the quill had hit him.

"Well, bugger off, Black."

James sat back, watching Sirius and Lily squabble like toddlers. It made him happy that Lily could put Sirius in his place. Most girls were afraid to even disagree with the legendary Sirius Black.

Lily cleared her throat, bringing James out of his thoughts. "So, this Helen, she seemed very interested in Transfiguration."

James frowned, wondering why she was bringing this up again. Unless- was she jealous? How Lily Evans could think he had eyes for any other girl when she was so beautiful herself was beyond him.

"She asked me to tutor her in Transfiguration, but I turned her down. I'm swamped as it is," James told her, hopefully quashing any doubt she had.

Lily nodded, nonchalantly, but as soon as James looked down to finish his essay, she allowed herself to smile, truly happy. Sirius noticed this and raised his eyebrows at her. Lily lifted another one of her quills, silently challenging him to say something. Sirius shrugged and Lily's fingers found the piece of parchment in her pocket once again.

Just friends.

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