Chapter three - the airport

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We arrived at London Heathrow after a long, boring and very informative hour drive, and a few stops along the way, picking up my loop peddle and my guitars.

We were dropped off at the departures entrance at terminal 5 and my suitcases were taken straight to the check-in area, so all I had was my favourite acoustic guitar and my backpack.

Alice directed me towards the rest of the group which was the 5 seconds of summer boys, Matt, Adam and Greyson, our bodyguard.

Adam was, I guess, my guardian. Matt couldn't make any decision without consulting Adam.

He was kind of like my family.

We'd been through so much together and he'd seen me at my weakest points, but always brought me back from them ...

I gave him a hug because the last time I'd seen was at least three days ago, when he had left to pick up his son Jack, who was travelling with us to LA, where he was starting university.

Ashton was the first to notice me join the group. He tapped Calum on the arm and whispered something to him, which then lead them to all turn to look at me.

A wave of nervousness came over me.

Today I was wearing my Ray Bans, black skinny jeans, an old All Time Low concert t-shirt and my beaten up leather jacket with my black vans and my curly hair falling loosely down my back.

I actually didn't care what they thought of me, I was here to make music.

All I had to do to get through this tour was to ignore the boys, who might just eventually leave me alone for the rest of the tour.

Ashton gave me a toothy smile that also showed off his very attractive dimples. I gave a small smile back, as I turned back to Adam and Jack.

"All set?" He said as he began typing into his phone.

"Yeah, I think so" I said as I brushed a stray curl away from my face.

"Okay, just a sec I need to take this" he said as he waved his phone in my face.

So I just smiled and turned to Jack who was making faces at me and trying to piss me off. It was working so I decided to ignore him.

Behind me I could hear Ashton whisper something to Michael so I tried to focus in on their conversation.

"She looks so hot Mike. I have to have her!" He said in a voice similar to when kids want sweets in a sweet shop.

Desperate to get what they want.

Typical guy.

"She looks fit. You should totally make a move. See if you can sit with her on the plane!"

Okay. I've met them once and Ashton already likes me. This tour is going to be difficult, but there's no way I'm sitting next to him on the plane.

We were in the airport for two hours checking in the remaining luggage, collecting tickets and waiting for the plane.

We were all currently walking to gate 24 as we were boarding in half and hour.

I got to the gate ahead of the boys, who I managed to completely avoid so far. I put my bag down and told Adam I was going to buy a few magazines from the shop across from us. He nodded and let me go.

I made my way over to the magazine section of the WHSmiths towards the back of the shop making sure the boys hadn't spotted i'd left, then began browsing for a couple of music, fashion and children's colouring magazines that could keep me amused for the next few hours.

I then felt someone next to me.

"Um, A...Are you sat with anyone on the plane?" Ashton kind of mumble in my direction. I jumped and walked away from him towards the books, but he just followed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you jump" he reached out to grab my arm, and as he did so, I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Um ... No actually. I was um ... hoping to sit with Jack so we could catch up because we haven't seen each other in a while" I said as I turned slightly so I was completely facing him and gave a little smile.

"Oh! Um okay sure!" He smiled with a defeated type smile as he stared at the floor. What was wrong with this boy, he was generally upset he couldn't sit with me.

"Sorry. It's just I've really wanted to catch up with him. We've both been really busy lately and he's going to uni, so I don't know when I'm next gonna see him.

We stood there awkwardly glancing around the shop awkwardly, for what felt like a lifetime.

"Flight BA4582 will be boarding in ten minuets. Please go to your gate" a woman on the overhead speaker announced.

"Well I better go get a book" i said breaking the awkward silence.

"Yeah, um ... I'll see you at the gate then" He said, mustering up a smile revealing those dimples.

I found myself staring at him as he left, thinking how sexy he actually was.

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