Chapter 2

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"Running man competitors! Please go to your specific destinations for the first challenge!" A robot's voice screeched through the speaker of the lobby where six competitors from all the tribes were loitering in.

And I'm part of those six competitors lounging on the extra comfy couch.

I lazily stood up and walked towards my spot around the circle and yawned. I've been waiting here along with these people for hours now and I suppose its not that fun to just lie around and wait.

All the others started to walk to their places as well. I took this opportunity to see who I'm exactly up against here.

So, we're all boys. Welp, that seems like a fair fight except for the fact that one of us is a small penguin and another is a really big tiger.

I warily looked at my competition. I dont know what they can do yet but I know that they're here for a reason and that reason has to be a good one because this challenge is no joke.

We're fighting in the name of our tribes. Not just our families or names. This is a serious battle and I intend to win.

"Ugh... I can't wait any longer, why is the competition taking so loooong!" I heard a complain come from the tall yellow horse, wait... giraffe, I meant, girrafe, who seemed polished and shining in his white uniform.

The penguin by his side crossed his small little arms, "I don't know! Why are you asking me? What are you doing here anyways? I dont recall a horse tribe!"

"Why you..." The giraffe seemed tempted to strangle the penguin as he fumed, "Hey, I'm no horse. I'm the one and only charming Prince Lonky of my tribe, if you must know! I'm a threat you should run away from!"

"Ha!" The penguin laughed in mockery, "How are you a threat???"

The giraffe, his name I think was Lonky, growled at the penguin, "The question goes with you too."

"Hey! I'm a threat too! Dont be fooled by my size! One day I'll outgrow you!!!"

"So, what you're small but terrible? That's it?"


"Pfft, I can probably kick you out of the challenge the first try."

"Why you...!!!"

"Guys, let's stop fighting..." A goat tried to interfere, probably as a concerned citizen but unfortunately, by saying that he just made things worse.

Lonky and the penguin hissed, "YOU'RE NOT PART OF THIS!"

I winced for the guy. Man, is it hard to stop fights... But, come to think of it we all are enemies so its alright if they are fighting here.

The tiger at the sideline had his eyes closed. I blinked at him, my ear twitching because I cant drown the fight between Lonky and the penguin with my thoughts.

It seemed that the tiger was meditating. He seemed to be the biggest competition between all of us here. With his big body and bare chest, not to mention those gloves for punching, I'm almost intimidated.



As for the bug tribe's representative, he seemed like the same age as me and was playing with some kind of capsule that was moving. I raised an eyebrow. I dont know what he's playing with but it's probably some secret weapon of his.

Suddenly, the guy noticed that I was staring weirdly at them. I blinked and just smiled even though he was my enemy.

"Hi! I'm Liu! I'm from the bug tribe! What's your name?" I was surprised by his enthusiasm on introducing himself and knowing who I am. He was grinning from ear to ear and his eyes sparkled underneath his big round glasses.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2018 ⏰

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