Part 4

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After lunch there was not much more interesting stuff happening. After my last class I went to walk out when I saw Leo and Ana kissing. I guess I shouldn't be upset I mean I've never even really had a conversation with him. Maybe Mercis right, maybe he is a fuckboy there's not much I can do about it actually there's nothing I can do about it. I just keep walking out. I get to my locker, put my headphones on and start to listen to psycho. I grab my books and shove them into my bag. Then I remembered I had to get changed for dance before I leave. I go into the girls bathroom get changed (photo above) and start to walk out. As I'm walking out I see all the boys stairing do I just roll my eyes and keep walking. As I leave the doors a hear a welsh accent yelling my name.
Bella: " what is it?" With a lot of sass In my voice
Leo: "where are u going?"
Bella: "to dance why?" With more sass in my voice
Leo: "no reason just wondering. Hey u probably shouldn't be wearing that at school or else ur gonna get a reputation really fast"
Bella: "whatever Leondre" I say while rolling my eyes and walking faster
Leo: "what did I do?"
Bella: "never mind leondre" I say as I race off
Soon I was at my house it was pretty fast. when I got there my dad was in the car and he was telling me to get in so I wouldn't be late. As we started driving I decided to look him up and aperently he is a rapper in a duo called "Bars and Melody". I started to listen to there music. It wasn't to bad but that's when it dawned on me that that's why he gets all the girls. It's because he is famous. Soon I was at dance and I just got out of the car and walked in. After 3 hours my dad picked me up and we went home. I ate dinner, took a shower, did my hair, got ready for bed and then plugged in my phone and tried to go to bed. Then I hear my phone go off and of course It's Leo.
(Text chat)
Leo: hey did I say somthing to u to make u mad
Bella: no. U did nothing I'm just angry about somthing
Leo: what is it???
Bella: nothing important
Leo: tell me!
Bella: fine why did u not tell me u we're dating Ana?
Leo: oh! We're not dating anymore we broke up
Bella: but I saw u kissing her at the end of class?
Leo: that was probably Anthony he has the same hair as me so ya
Bella: oh ok
Leo: why was it bothering u?
Bella: idk I guess well I don't know it just did
Leo: really??
Bella: stop Leo it was just because
Leo: u don't have a good reason do u?
Bella: well no I guess not but u shouldn't care what I think about u
Leo: why not???
Bella: because I'm not important in ur life
Leo: why would u say that?
Bella: because u have so many amazing people in your life and now I know ur famous
Leo: great
Bella: what is it??
Leo: it's just once someone finds out I'm famous they treat me differently
Bella: well I promise I won't but I need to go to bed so goodnight Leo
Leo: goodnight Bella

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