Chapter 2

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This is the second chapter... please comment! I'd love to know what I can improve on as I continue the story... thanks for reading this much!

Please comment :D


Chapter Two

                Flames danced in the candlesticks, the Great Hall echoing with the voices of hundreds of students. The first years stood in a cluster at the front, radiating fear and anxiety. Tasie couldn’t remember the minutes before her sorting; she had been so nervous that once it was over, she couldn’t remember a single word that the hat had said. She figured it was because she was still terrified over the experience.

                “They’re so tiny!” Kitt stared at them, “I can’t believe we were that short once.”

                “I can’t believe Alexis is still that short.” Tasie responded, smiling widely as Alexis shoved her off of the bench.

                “At least she doesn’t have to worry about finding a guy who’s taller than her,” Circe mentioned lightly, piling cooked vegetables onto her plate, “I on the other hand, was unable to find a cute, tall guy, anywhere I went this summer.”

                Kitt and Tasie rolled their eyes, “Perhaps it’s a sign,” Tasie started, “Maybe you’re just not destined to date anybody in the near future, so the world was telling you to stop thinking about it?”

                Circe glared at her fork, angrily shoving some asparagus into her mouth. “I refuse to accept that.”

                “As is your right,” Kitt replied, “But maybe you should stop talking about it for a while, just so that the universe at least thinks you’ve accepted your fate.”

                Having adequately silenced Circe on the topic of boys, which seemed to be the only thing she was capable of talking about this year, the friends watched in silence as the food disappeared. The sorting ceremony would begin soon, and that would be followed by the main feast. Tasie loved to see the first year’s reactions as heaps of carefully prepared food appeared in front of them out of thin air.

                The room silenced as the headmaster stepped towards a podium that seemed to shift and change with the light; from a badger to a snake, to a lion to an eagle. “Welcome!”, he began, his pausing to untangle a strand of his long beard from the tip of the golden eagle’s wing, “Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to allow the sorting hat to say a few words.”

                Filch, a scrawny man with an unusual looking face and a hunch in his back, dragged a wooden stool forward and placed the infamous sorting hat on top. Oh, what Tasie would give to remember what it had said to her. She could remember the feeling all too well, but the words were lost somewhere within her nervous, frightened mind. Scuffling off into a dark corner, Professor McGonagall took Filch’s place beside the stool.

                Knowing what was to come next, Tasie sat up straighter, tapping her feet lightly on the stone floor. As the hat broke out into song, she listened intently to the new rhymes it had invented.

Recalling back my younger days,

When threads once made me pretty,

I feel that I should tell a tale,

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