The Beginning Of The End

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Two Weeks Before

"Only two more hours left," my best friend Clarissa whispered to me. She had light blonde hair and was fairly short.

I groaned and looked up at the clock. 'I can do this' I said to myself.

At the end of school today I had to go into court and watch as my parents battled for custody over their only child, me. I was dreading the moment when the final bell rung as that would mean my life was changing forever. The divorce was sprung upon me and I had no idea that it was even happening. I thought my parents were completely happy together, guess I was wrong.

"Excuse me staff," a voice came over the intercom. "Please check your email, we have an urgent matter at hands. Code red lockdown."

The class quickly scrambled to the corner of the room. My teacher, Ms. Smith, ran to lock the door and shut the blinds to the windows. A girl behind me, Maggie I think, was quietly sobbing behind me. I wasn't too sure as to what was going on and it didn't help that when Ms. Smith opened her email she fainted.

"Shit!" One of my classmates exclaimed (Pardon me for not being social and not knowing any of their names).

A few of the students ran over to help Ms. Smith and bring her over to where we were. I pulled out my phone and texted my parents a quick little 'i love you' before putting my phone back away.

It took awhile for us to realize that we had know idea what was going on in the school. We weren't informed on what the email said and we didn't hear anything around the school.

I slowly got up and moved towards Ms. Smith's computer. A file was attached to the email so I slowly brought the mouse to hover over it before clicking it.

"Well? What's going on?" Clarissa asked, a few classmates nodded in agreement.

My eyes glanced down the page and it felt as if my lunch was rising out of my stomach. I felt so sick and scared and I wasn't sure what to believe. Is this really happening?

"Apparently, uh, well, I'm not sure how to say this without sounding crazy but zombies have come upon us?" It came out as more of a question than a statement.

"What the fuck are you talking about. Zombies don't exist! Stop playing us." Someone yelled out. Soon the class was in an uproar and you couldn't hear what anyone was saying.

But that quickly died down when we heard a ghostly moan outside the door. The room was silent. You probably could've heard a pin drop it was that silent. A few people moved farther into the corner of the room and some had tears silently falling, but nobody said anything.

I didn't know what to do how are we supposed to react? But at that moment I truly realized how screwed we were when my beloved secretary said over the intercom that it was safe to leave the classroom. Again, nobody in our classroom moved but you could hear doors opening through the halls.

The moans moved down the hall until we heard a scream so high it probably shattered any glass in the room. That one scream was followed by many others and I knew, we had to get out of this classroom alive. Or at least I did.

"How do we get out?" I whispered, turning to face my classmates. None of them stared at me as they just gave me a blank face. If one had managed to get into the school then there must be some outside, right? But if there's one inside that means it's probably going to start turning others into monsters and soon we'll be overrun and all end up dead.

Nobody said anything for awhile, they were either plotting a way to get out or mentally saying goodbye to all of their loved ones. I checked my phone to see if either of my parents had responded, no one had. I quickly came to the conclusion that my parents weren't my parents anymore. They were those creatures outside of the classroom.

"If we can make it up to the roof we can work out a plan from there, being locked up in here is probably the worst thing we can do." I don't know who said that but I figured they had a point. I slowly nodded in affirmation as did a few others.

"That's crazy! We'll never make it out alive." Maggie said crossing her arms while at it. I also agreed with her but it was the only way out. Going through the roof would never hold us.

"What other option do we have? We have a better chance out there than in here!" Someone commented, Maggie lowered her head as she realized that he was right.

"So do we gather anything we can find in here and then leave?" I asked. Everyone nodded and ran around trying to find anything useful. The only useful thing we found was a screwdriver the janitor left in here. Other than that we were screwed.

It's kinda funny how one second I was worrying about my parents divorce and now I'm worried about making it out alive.

"Ready." It wasn't a question, it was a way of telling everybody now or never.

One of my classmates, Nathan I think, opened the door. It was quiet on the other side of the door so Nathan stepped out. He glanced around the hallway again before he started running. He motioned for us to follow him so one by one we flowed out of the classroom. At first it was a quiet tiptoe around the hallways, slowly we all got running. Nathan stopped running and shrieked. A slow moan came around the corner of the hallway we needed to be in. When the thing spotted Nathan it hobbled it's way over to him. Nathan was frozen in fear as were a few others.

More than on zombie came around the corner. Nobody moved and watched as they limped there way over to all of us. They kept getting closer and closer until somebody just ran into the mob. A few others did the same and tried to fight there way to survival. As soon as they got into the mob the zombies quickly grabbed their arms or legs. I took this as my opportunity to run, the zombies were occupied with my classmates so they wouldn't go after me right?

I was an idiot. They did come after me. The door to the roof was so close but one of the zombies had grabbed my leg. I thrashed around in the hallway creating more commotion.

"Alex!" Someone screamed. The zombie looked up at the sudden sound and left me. I sat there confused for a second but chose not to dwell. I could make it to the roof.

And I did.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2014 ⏰

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