Worth a shot

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Quickly word spread around Hogwarts of Artemis and Damien being by each other's side all the time. And Damien was getting tired of all the rumors and talking.

Though his feelings for Artemis were becoming more and more confusing. Damien started to like hanging out with her. He started to like how to felt to be around her.

The warm feeling in his chest, the rush of heat in his cheeks. Her smile, her laugh. She was too pure for this harsh world.

The girl flooded his thoughts constantly, It even started to affect his classes. Slowly he understood that he may have formed a crush on the girl. How was he supposed to deal with this? Especially being a Slytherin.

I mean they had a reputation about being cold and harsh, Not lovey dovey. But then again...this was the first time in a long time that Damien ever felt this much joy about being in Hogwarts. And he wasn't going to let it slip away.

So he made up his mind, After his Charms class he would tell her how he felt. He could do that..right?

Well unfortonuatly the day started out slow, He trudged through each class trying to keep his mind focused on his studies but, he was struggling.

What was he going to say to her?

How would she react?

What if she rejected him?!

What if she just left Hogwarts just to avoid him?

The questions raced through his mind and before he realised, the charms class came to an end. And it was now or never.

Walking from the class He noticed Artemis talking with a few other hufflepuff students. Her face was bright red and she was twiddling with her hair.

Damien swallowed the lump that formed in his throat and walked towards the small group.

Artemis looked up as she noticed him walking closer and her eyes caught his, the deep blush she had, seemed to be getting worse.

Was she dreaming? Why was he walking over to her? Was he okay?

Her thoughts were interrupted by him walking over and gently clearing his throat.

"U-um, Artemis. Could I have a word with you, alone?" His voice was gentle yet rough.

He wasn't even looking at her. Was he okay? Was he upset about something?

She inhaled through her nose and nodded and the blush she had. disappeared.

"Of course." She spoke quickly, concern crossing over she facial features. She followed him into a different hallway, where they were alone and he let out a heavy breath.

"Damien are..you alright?" Artemis finally spoke. He looked scared or even nervous. Why? He always held his head high. And now he was talking quiet, and avoiding her eyes. To be honest she was concerned and even a bit scared.

"Yes well...kind of. It's you." He said finally making eye contact with her.

"M-Me?" Artemis felt a pang of guilt hit her chest.

Did she do something wrong? What did she do?

"Artemis you...are such a happy person I can't. No.. I don't know how to say these things..I have never really been stumped for words but..-" He stopped letting out a deep chuckle.
"Oh what am I doing? Stammering like an idiot, over feelings I can't even explain." Damien mumbled leaning against the closest wall, his hand coming up and running though his dark hair.

Slowly the guilt disappeared as Artemis finally understood what he meant.

Sharply the blush returned and she thought a moment.

"Damien...you know..I have been wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out sometime...Outside of class, l-like a date..." Artemis finally spoke and Damien looked at Artmis' smaller figure, her hands where balled into fists at her sides, she was clutching the fabric of her robe tightly.

"Yes...I would like that. Very much." He said his tone showing some awkwardness, but that didn't stop the heat that rose into his cheeks.

Artemis looked at him and her eyes widened a bit, her entire face turned a bright red and this time it was Damien's turn to show some concern.

"Artemis are you alright?" He asked and she nodded quickly she opened her mouth to say something but all that came out was a small squeak.

"I will uh...S-Send you an owl l-la...lat.. bye!" Artemis nodded quickly before swiftly rushing from the hallway her face still bright red, almost as red as the Weasleys hair color. The group she was talking with chased after her with worried looks on their faces.

Damien softly smiled to himself as he watched her run away. He had done it, The rapid beating of his heart seemed to calm down and he hitched in breath. He felt accomplished..maybe that wasn't the right word but he didn't care all he knew is that he needed to he waiting for his Owl to receive the date details.

A shot in the dark, yet it was worth it.

Or...was it?


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