The Accident

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Damien sighed heavily as he swiftly picked up his bag, walking from his potions class and out into the hallway. He had finished his work early and decided to head back to the Slytherin common room. On his walk back he noticed two Ravenclaw boys seeming to have cornered a Hufflepuff girl.

"Come on sweetheart ditch the class and come hang out with us." The boy purred. Damien watched this, trying to see if the girl was alright. The girl was clutching something but, he couldn't tell what. What he could tell was that she was uncomfortable, So he went to work, With swift movement. Damien walked over and cleared his throat loudly.

"Don't you two have something else to do? Rather than harrasing this girl?" Damien said sternly, making the two Ravenclaw boys jump.
"Hmph, yeah well what is a Slytherin doing out of class?" Scoffed one boy.

"Go, or you won't be returning to your common room anytime soon, ingrates." Damien said sternly. The two boy huffed and walk off grumbling insults under their breath. The girl looked at Damien curious, yet thankful.

"Thank you.." She said quietly and Damien sighed.

"Learn to stand up for yourself, Someone isn't always going to be here to save you." Damien said and she nodded slowly.

"Right, I'm sorry." She apologized and he rolled his eyes.

"Don't apologize, nothing to be sorry for." he scoffed and she nodded.

"I'm Artemis from Hufflepuff." She held out her hand and Damien glanced at it before nodding.

"The names Damien, Slytherin." he answered, expecting the girl to recoil or even look a little scared, but instead she smiled at him.

"Well thank you for helping me." she said in a gentle tone and smiled kindly before she turned and was on her way.
Damien watched her walk away and he felt his cheeks heat up. What was this reaction? Her kindness made his heart race. Was he having a heart attack? Or was it a reaction of the potion class he stood next to.
Shaking his head, the blush disappeared almost as quickly as it came

The two would soon meet again. As it seems fate had found a new pair to torture. All thanks to an accident.

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