Chapter One: The Offer

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It was a peaceful autumn afternoon when it started. I was walking down the stretched sidewalk in the busy city. I walked without knowing where I was going. I usually do this when I get anxious. I do this a lot. I try to ignore the strange people watching me from behind newspapers. Those idiots think I don't notice them, but I do.

Many people are hired to watch me. Not only that, I'm pretty much kidnapped by someone at least once a month. Many people desire to use my 'gift' yo gain more power. I wouldn't call it a 'gift' though. It feels more like a curse. Its brought nothing but pain and suffering to me.

It seems as though I've found my way to the park. I sit on the edge of the park fountain and gaze at the water. I study how the ripples flow. It looks so peaceful. Its sad, but I envy this fountain's life. It doesn't talk to anyone, and yet it gets many visitors. It gets to sit here all day, and gets paid just for making false promises.

Lucky duck...

I sigh and get up. I finally decide to head back home. I start walking down that same stretched sidewalk in the busy city. Still many people scrambling to get from point A to point B. I walk at my slow, wanderer-like pace.

I get close to my apartment building when I start t panic again. Someone was following me. I get followed a lot, but I still panic.

I walk a little faster, just hoping they'd go away. Unfortunately, they don't. The stay right at my heels, almost tripping me. I'm about to break out into a run when he grabs my arm.

He twists me around and I am startled. A very large man is standing before me in a strange get-up. His golden hair fell to his shoulders. He had armor on and wore a red cape. He looked like a character from a fairy tail.

"(y/n)?" He asks in a deep voice

I swallowed the nervous lump in my throat and answered, "Y-yes?"

"(y/n) you must come with me at once." the large man demands. His grip on my arm tightens.

"w-why? w-who are you?" I say trying to stop my voice from shaking.

He steps closer, still holding on to my arm. "please (y/n). I mean you no harm, but you must come with me to-"

I gave him no more time to finish before I yanked my arm from his tight grip and ran as fast as my short legs could go. I reached my apartment building and scrambled to get the door opened. I quickly slipped in and locked the door. I went around my apartment and locked all the windows and shut all the shades.

I sighed as I sank down in my couch. I shut my eyes for a few moments before I turned on the television. I flip through the channels until something odd catches my eye.

Destroyed buildings all across New York. Wreckage covering the entire city. It was as if New York just went through war.

Then I saw him. Loki, I think is his name. His raven hair fell to his shoulders. But since he was wearing a muzzle and his head was down, I could not get a clear image of his face.

Then they showed more devastation. I let out a big sigh and turned my television off. I wasn't in the mood to watch this kind of thing.

I close my eyes once more and lay down. I roll over and try to sleep. Just as the blissful emptiness of sleep consumed me, my eyes shot open.

I could hear arguing outside my door. It sounded like the large man from before. There was also another person. A woman it sounded like.

I sneak over to my door as quietly as I can. I press my ear up against the wood of the door so I can clearly hear what it is they're saying.

"We gave you one job! One simple job!" the woman scolds the man.

"I am truly sorry. I did not think I said anything that would upset the little mortal girl." the man says.

The woman sighs, "Whatever. Lets just finish this."

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I hesitate before saying, "G-go away!"

"We're not here to hurt you (y/n). We're here to make an offer with you." the woman says.

"I'm not interested in anymore 'offers'! Thank you and have a nice day!" I say clenching my fists. Offers always end up the same way.

"Please lady (y/n). We only mean to help you." the man says.

"This isn't like the other offers you've gotten in the past. Instead we're offering you protection." the woman says.

I stop for a moment, then say "Protection?"

"Yes. You would work for us and in exchange we'd offer you protection from anyone that threatens you. Can you please let us in so we can talk more about this?" the woman asks.

I hesitate, but then timidly open the door. The two shove their way in. The large man from before looks around my apartment with a few soft ooo's and ahh's.

I look at the woman who was walking around like she owned the place. She was quite beautiful. She had short red hair that formed perfect curls. She had a nice figure that was visible through her black skin-tight outfit.

She turned to me and said, "Hi. I'm Natasha Romanoff."

Then the large man turned to me and bowed. "I am Thor, son of Odin of Asgard. It's a pleasure to meet you lady (y/n)."

I just stared at the two, not knowing what to say nor do. Natasha then sat down on my couch and pulled out a laptop. Thor sat next to her and started poking the screen out of curiosity. Natasha slapped his hand and he stopped.

Natasha then turned the laptop so that I could see the image. It was a man with a black eye patch across his face.

"Hello (y/n). I am Nick Fury. We all work for S.H.I.E.L.D. We are here today to make an offer with you. If you work for us, we will provide you with protection from anyone that threatens you." the computer says.

I think for a moment, then ask, "What does S.H.I.E.L.D. do?"

"S.H.I.E.L.D. is a secret organization that works to protect the earth. If you accept, you'd be a part of a group called The Avengers. They're a group of great people that can do extraordinary things together. Natasha and Thor are a part of The Avengers. If you accept, you'd help the world become a better place." The computer speaks again.

"Do you accept?"

((Hello! This is my first time writing a fanfic so please be kind! My friend Natalia did the cover edit so give her credit for that not me! I am also an artist (kinda...). I usually do anime/manga style. So if you like that kind of artwork, could you please check out my Instagram account (@froggy1717)? I'd really appreciate it! Could you please also like, comment, favorite, share, whatever you do on this? Thank you! Comment any suggestions you have about my writing! Is it too long? Too short? Boring? Weird? Anything!!! Thank you again! See you in my next chapter! LOKI FOREVER!!! :-) )))

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