Chapter 6 - Under My Wing and Inside My Heart

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   I saw two small figures huddled together, a concerned Gabriel towering over them. I began to make my way to them. I brought them here. I had to handle it. Gabe couldn't just take charge of this one. It was wrong.

   "We have arranged for you to stay with us," Gabe finishes.

   They nod, obviously not wanting to turn down the opportunity of protection from the Demons. I remember back to the state the brother was when I saw him. That is a hell they don't want to relive. . .

   Gabriel looks up at me, acknowledging my presence. Then, he looks back at the kids.

   "She brought you?" he motions to me. They nod. Are they uncomfortable? Why aren't they talking?

   "Gabe, is it okay if I talk to them? I lead them to this place anyways, it's unfair to have the taken care of by another person," I ask, hoping that I can get them to relax. He nods in response. When he walks away, I turn back to them. They look back at me with a relieved expression.

   "Are you okay with this?" I ask them, referring to what Gabriel just told them. With a quick glance to each other, the boy says,

   "As long as you don't leave us with those murderers." Sadness clouds his features.

   "Don't worry, soon, we will have them cured and you two home. I promise." It was a bold promise. But these kids deserved nothing less.  Not after what they had been through.

   "Before we get you situated, do you need anything?" I ask them.

  "Can we share a room?" Andrea's little voice pops up. I smile warmly and nod.

   I turn to walk into the Church and motion for them to follow.


When the room for the two siblings have been chosen, I go meet up with Gabriel.

   "How was your town?" I ask him.

   "Graffiti, drugs sold, and mayhem, but I didn't find any young children, I assume they hid. And that's all I have to go on. . ." he trails off. His face tilts downward, as if in shame. I place a hand on his back, noticing he didn't have his wings. Probably didn't want to attract attention.

   "I couldn't go look for them, the bad people would follow. Anyways, I'm glad you managed to help somebody. How was your town?"

   I tell him about the bodies, but leave out Moden. I know I probably shouldn't, but I know what happens if I tell. . .

   "It seems as we first have to take care of the kids, but I'll do that. I have nothing to do plus I have the maps. So everyone has a free day, but only today. Use it wisely," Gabriel says, getting up and inside the church. I look around and see Marian looking at me, an unreadable expression on her face. She might as well have been wearing a mask. When she sees me looking, she turns away and walks into the woods. I am tempted to follow her, she hasn't been the same since the last two months, when we took our first trip to the earth. I drop it. Its probably just me.

And yet. . .

Drop it, I scold myself. Marian has worked her way to this honorable position where she is allowed to go to Earth. No need to doubt her. I turn to the bushes, intending to find Moden. Then, I stop. An Angel. That's who I am. Not a Demon. Which Moden is. But he's different. . . I decide to reroute to the cliff where I was attacked. Same direction, different place. I can scout for clues. Maybe later, I'll go back to Nowtin and help. Its a plan.

   I enter the forest, this time stopping to appreciate it. The trees leaves have a glossy look making their vibrant greens seem like they were painted by professionals. The bark of the trees made lines like the wrinkles of an elder. These trees are elders. Twigs snap beneath my feet, and grass sways in the breeze that occasionally flies through. I make my way to the cliff.

   Animals scurry. I can hear them. And their fast strong heartbeats. Finally, the cliff.

   I look around in the grass. Nothing. Did we really make no mess? I circle the area. Suddenly, something glints. I repeat the movement trying to locate where the glint came from. Ah, there. I walk to the object. Leaning down, I search the general area. There! Its a. . . crest? Maybe the Demons sign? Like a gang? I go to pick it up, but a hand rushes to it. I look up to see Moden.

   "Give it to me," I demand. He smirks.

   "No, it belongs to the Demons."

   "Moden, hand it over," I repeat.

   "I'll pass," he says it a nonchalant tone. I lunge for his hand, and since he didn't expect it, I manage to grab the piece.

   "Two can play at that game," he mutters. He lunges for the piece as well, but since he was anticipated, I turn and his hand grabs empty air. He worms his arm around and tries to grab hold of the treasure. I clutch it with both of my hands. Suddenly he stops, and lightly taps my side. I squirm. He laughs.

   "Somebody's ticklish," he chuckles.

   My eyes widen. This is not going to go well.

   His fingers dance at my side and laughter erupts from me. I squirm, but never let go of the reward.

   "You're a tough cookie, damn," he says.

   "Stop!!!" I plead, still laughing. He stops and I get up to run. Before I even move, Moden grabs a hold of my ankle and trips me. He goes to grab the crest, but I scramble away.

   "Why do you want it?" we ask in unison.

   "We need to know who we're up against. And plus, I was here first," I tell him.

   "It belongs to me, that has no relation the these Demons, just me," Moden answers quietly. I glance down to the treasure. I cross my legs, noticing dirt on the pants I am wearing. Focusing back on the piece, I trace my fingers over the intricate design. A thud sounds beside me.

   "It was something I found as a young Demon. Belonged to a kid my age. He had given it to me. Had no reason to, but he did. I didn't want to take it, but then he told me that he'd rather know who has it. I took it then. And kept it. And I don't know why," Moden says softly. As if speaking the words too loudly will fracture the story. I glance at him, only to see an empty look on his face.

   "Where was this?"

   "I don't know. Didn't really care at the time," he responds. Silence spreads as we look at the object. I hand it over to him. He takes it in his large hand and toys with it until placing in in his jacket's pocket.

   "Thank you," he says. We sit there for a second.

   "We should stop," my quiet voice breaks the silence.

   "Stop what?" Moden asks.

   "Meeting, in any way," I say, "This is considered a treasonous act."

   "No, I don't want to."

   "This isn't a matter of 'want' its a matter of what has to be done. We are enemies hanging out like friends."

"I've told you more than I have any of those rotten faced idiots! I'm not about to let you go like this! I ne--," he stops cold. His mouth is still open, like words want to come out, but can't. "Leave." His final word cuts the air. I reach out to squeeze his hand, but stop. I push myself up. My feet move by their own volition. I don't look back, I just hold back tears.

   Maybe if I hadn't dwelled on it. . . maybe if I didn't. . . I break into a run, racing to the Church.

   I wish he wasn't a Demon. I have never been able to relax with anyone. Gabriel is always barking orders, and talking to him is hard. We stick to business. All the other angels are my brethren but I don't know them. I wanted so badly to keep going as I had been with Moden but its wrong, and the family comes first.

   I race into the church and fly into my room. I lean on the door, blocking it. Tears fall onto my hands. I curl them into fists.

   Its hurts knowing we can't talk. It hurts knowing I can't hang out with him. I could have gone on. I forgot my family when I was with him. I forgot the war. I forgot who we were. And the worst part. The reason I knew I had to stop going to him. The thing I'd never expect.

I think I'm in love with a Demon.

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