A Heartbreak Can Change Someone pt. 1

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//A/N: So thank you for reading my book! Hope you enjoy each chapter and watch the actual show either on the show or at Youtube. I'm not going to make this long, hope you enjoy the chapter!//

Blackhat's POV

Flug's been acting strange lately. He's been more enthusiastic and distracted. He won't even answer to me properly.

It's 10:25 pm. I went outside my office to check on everyone.

Demencia is on her slumber beside a puppet of me. I looked at her with disgust and left her room as soon as possible.

5.0.5 is sleeping with all of the stuff toys that the doctor bought him. He's covered with stuff toys covering him.

And lastly, Doctor Flug who looks like he left his lab door not locked. He rarely goes to sleep since no one can convince him to do so. Wait, his lab door not locked??

I went over to peek at what he's doing and saw him working at his desk. Looks like everything is in proper condition. I went to my bedroom to take a rest.

//The Next Day//

Today is the deadline for the ray I told him to work on. I told him 4 days ago that I will move the deadline of the ray today since he hasn't finished it.

I went to the lab door and saw him sleeping on the desk. I went over to see a screwdriver, some screws, and an unfinished ray. My blood boiled from seeing this sight.

"FLUG!!" I shouted making the scientist jump from his seat.

"PEANUT BUTTER JELLY WITH BANANA SLICE- BOSS?!" He spoke. I returned him an angry look making him shiver from fear.

"What is this Doctor?" I asked him.

"It's the ray you wanted me to do Si-"

"DIDN'T TOLD YOU TO DO THAT FOR FOUR DAYS DOCTOR?!" I raised my voice at him.

"S-sir four days is isn't e-enough for tha-." He was inturrupted with me shooting a lazer to the unfinished gun leaving ashes. He looked at his work with fear. I grabbed his neck and tighten it.

"I gave you four days already to work on that stupid thing. You weren't able to finish it so I gave you ANOTHER four days and now all you are going to give me is THIS?!" I dropped him.

He was breathing fast to get some air. "I will only give you TWO DAYS to finish that damn thing. If you still can't do it, don't expect me to be nice to you. Remember that doctor." I said as I walked my way to the exit.

When I went out of the lab, I saw Demencia and 5.0.5 at the side giving me a suprised look.

"Don't wait for me to burn your hair off you two." I said and with that, they ran away. Poor fools.

I went back to my office to let my pain out. I got my golf stick, arranged my golf pit, and got the ball to play it. What a relaxing way to endure stress.

//Two Days Later//

I went out of my office to see what that idiot did to the ray. I walked towards the lab and all by sudden, I smelled something. (insert magical nose xD!! HE HAS A NOSE IN THE PILOT BTW)

"Vodka??" I said to myself. Nobody in this house is drinking that other than me, besides I wouldn't drink that much.

I continued walking, faster this time. I am starting to hear...sobbing?? I walked as fast as I could and saw the door opened.


I peeked in and saw 5.0.5 comforting Flug. There were a lot of empty vodka around the lab. Ugghh...that annoying aroma.

I went in and told 5.0.5 to go out for awhile. He disagreed at first but was easily convinced when I scared him. 5.0.5 went out of the lab leaving me and the Doctor behind. I locked the door so nobody will randomly get in.

Flug rubbed his nose under the paperbag. "What do you want boss??" He asked slightly scared.

"I was about to check the finished version of the ray I told you to do so." I replied. "Have you finished it??"

He shook his head in disapproval and cried harder. "Sir, AM I HARD TO LOVE?!"

I randomly blushed at the statememt but I brushed it off. I grabbed a seat and sat beside him. "Flug you drank so mu-"

"NO SIR!" He interrupted making me jump on my seat (guess the tables have turned huh? XD). "Please answer me, am I actually hard to love??" He asked, softer this time.

My cheeks heat up again but this time, I can't help it anymore. Luckily he wasn't looking.

"I guess, I am hard to love...." Flug said and cried.

I sighed knowing that this will be hard. "Flug, what's the problem?" I asked.

He rubbed his eyes under his goggles. He cried more making me feel uncomfortable.

"Flug?" I asked one more time. He flopped his face on the table several times in return.

"FLUG!! WHAT'S THE PROBLEM?!" I asked loudly making him flinch.

He turned to look at me slowly. "Sir...I don't think you will understand this but..." He stopped.

"But what is it Flug? What are you going to tell me??" I looked at him with concern (which I don't usually do).

He was on the verge of tears again and finally spoke. It wasn't the one I expected.

"She broke up with me..."

To be continued...

//A/N: Sorry for the cliffhanger guys! I really wanted to separate this in two parts since this will be a long one. I know you are probably confused but the next chapter will be quick anyway! Don't worry//

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