Chapter 1 - Best friends & Bad Teachers

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The school bell rang.


Late to first period, again.

I slammed my locker door and ran to class.

"And look who decided to finally show up. Ms. Hastings care to explain yourself?"

Ugh, that's my bitch teacher, Mrs. Smith. I can not wait to get out of this hellhole you call a class.

"Well at first I was lost, but I got out my GPS and typed in 'asshole' and look. It led me here." I retorted.

She opened her mouth as if to say something but quickly regretted it and closed her mouth.

// Time Skip to Lunch \\

"Mack, what you did in Mrs. Smith's class this morning was hilarious!" Jerome laughed.

Since Mitch and Ashley don't have that class with us they looked puzzled. Jerome gave them an 'I'll tell you later' look.

"So, uh guys, want to go hang at my place tonight?" Mitch asked.

"Umm maybe another night. I got plans." Jerome said.

"Yeah, um me too, lots of homework." Ashley replied.

Everyone looked at me, obviously wanting an answer. Ashley and Jerome knew I liked him and always wanted to to get "alone time" with him.

"Oh, yeah I'm free."

Jerome and Ashley smirked, thank God Mitch didn't notice.

"Okay, you can just ride home with me from


"Okay." I smiled.

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