the date

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Once the girls drove me home, I looked for an outfit, a dress, plain black hat went near my knees. I asked Emily to drive me to the café even though it was the street across from us. It was raining and I didn't want to get wet.

"A/N, why can't you ask Pony to take you. All gooey and romantic." Emily teased me. I blushed in embarrassment. It was my first date ever. 16 and thriving they say, not really. I mean, having good skin's helping me; but with this intelligence, not so much. As I stoke my hair with the black hairbrush one, last good time, I hear the door knocking. Must be Ponyboy. I click my heels on the hardwood floor and answer. Pony had his jet black hair slicked back with a lot of grease.

"Hey there babe. Ready to go? 'Cause you look ready." He gently pecked my check, causing a pink-rosy color to creep up my cheeks. He had his arms around me, making me feel a bit warmer. He had an umbrella, so at least I avoided the misting rain. We arrived to the café, warmed up. We ordered some hot coffee and took a seat near the windows. The windows near me were sprinkled with droplets of water. They just delicately fell from the sky, thousand and thousands of droplets falling at these seconds. I noticed Pony took a sip of his coffee before speaking to me.

"So, how are you today A/N?"

I shyly look to the ground, my hands trembling with excitement and fear. The badboy asking me, a shy girl out. How could this happen to me?

"I'm fine." I shortly answer.

"You sure? I mean, you look kinda shaky." He wrapped his arms around me, making me feel a bit more comforted. He went back to his seat and took a sip of the warm coffee.

Ponyboy leaned forward on the light wood table. "So A/N, what do you like to do?"

I look into his light, blue pool eyes, swirling down as I stare longer. "Well, I like to go shopping. I love food, duh. And hang out with my friends." He nodded his head.

"How about you Pony, what do you like to do?" I ask him.

"Well, I like to hang out with my brothers and friends. Ya know, go for a walk in the park and feed the ducks or pigeons. It's calming to see the water slowly wave on the land, and suck back to the water." He explained. I went between his arms for comfort. His arms created this feeling a heater couldn't make, but I just couldn't grasp the feeling. I just couldn't. An hour passed as small talk happened within the café.

"Well A/N, I'll see you tommorow." He pecked my check, but I went in for more. A kiss on the lips. His lips weren't crusty like other girls say about boy's lips. His were soft. Comforting even. He backed out, gave me one more peck on the lips, and waved a simple good bye.

Once he left, I walked home, and dramatically fell to my bed. A good day I thought. Amazing even.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2018 ⏰

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