Chapter 1

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"How could you do that to me?!" kurt yelled into his phone when his soon-to-be-ex boyfriend answered. "wha? Kurt? what are you talking about?" "Sebastian, obviously!" "Um, babe? wh-what are you talking about?" Blaine stuttered nervously. he knew exactly what kurt was talking about. "C'mon, Blaine. I know you cheated on me with sebastian. He told me everything. don't even lie!" "Kurt, I-" "save it!" kurt interrupted. "I cant even believe you would do that to me, Blaine!" Kurt cried. "Kurt, I'm so sor-" "I'm done Blaine! I'm done with this and I'm done with us!" Kurt yelled. "what do you mean kurt?" Blaine asked sadly. "We're over Blaine!" Kurt yelled and then hung up. Kurt fell back onto his bed and sobbed.

he texted the girls from glee club and told them about the breakup. He wouldn't see them until school started next week and it would be torture knowing Blaine had transferred to McKinley.

'Aw! white boy! I'm here if u need a good cry! -Mercedes'

'Honey! ;( I'm always here for you! -rachel'

'Dolphin! birdie dumped you?! awwww! lord tubbington has tissues and gummi bears for u unicorn! -brittney'

'Does aunty snixx need to go all Lima heights on a certain gel-haired hobbit??? -Santana'

'Aw! kurtie! we're all here for you! -Tina'

'Kurt. call me. Xx -quinn'

What did Quinn want?

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