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                    "There you are," An out of breath Georgia says, her champagne nearly spilling if of her glass as she grabs her sisters arm. "I have been looking for you everywhere,"

Giving Theo a look that stops her younger sister in her tracks, Theo slightly widens her eyes and sighs inwardly when she realises she can't get out of this. "I was in the kitchen, helping order the Chinese. You know how hard it is ordering everyone's dishes."

"Leigh is doing the cooking." Georgia deadpans, watching her sister stammer. "Remember, she is making Luke's favourite."

"Yes, but we all know he loves a Chinese too."

Rolling her eyes at her excuse, Georgia continues. "A change of subject, but I need to introduce you to someone special."

Beckoning over the brunette man, she grabs his hand her hers, Georgia's confidence bursting when she feels his hand squeeze hers slightly. "Um," she stops herself before breathing in and continuing. "This is my husband Ry—"


"—yes, husband," Georgia emphasises the word, before bringing her ring clad hand up towards her sisters face. After seeing her face, she knew they had to have a talk. "Ryan, this is my younger sister Theo."

"It's lovely to finally meet you Theodora." Ryan replies, leaning in and kissing the top of her glove clad hand. "You are the brain analyist, correct?"

"I prefer the term psychologist. I work with children."

"Yes of course, I remember Georgia telling me about you." Theo's eyes widen at that.

Georgia breaks the awkward tension, turning towards her husband she says, "Ryan, babe, why don't you go mingle with the guests. I will be back, I just need to talk to Theo about something."

"Babe?" Theo masks her laugh with a cough, her eyes following her sister as she pulls her towards the back of the room. "Anyways. When did you get married?"

"Like three weeks ago or something." She sighs, and then takes a sip of her champagne that is clutched in her hand before replying. "It was a very rash decision, okay? We didn't really think it through. It was a kind of in the moment thing."

"I can tell that,"

"Oh shut up," Georgia lowers her voice to avoid stares, leaning slightly towards Theo. "Like you know what your talking about. All you have is one night stands."

"Says the woman who got married three weeks ago and now regrets it." Theo scoffs. "And whilst I'm on that subject, where was our invites Georgia? You get fucking married and don't even invite your family to it. Well congratulations, mum would be so proud of you."

Georgia's eyes widen at the comment, her heart beating faster in her chest. "Like mum would be proud of you fucking every girl in your sight. You don't get to talk to me about being a disappointment when you didn't even know what your mum was like. I mean how old was you when she died? You don't know shit about her. And you defiantly don't get to have an opinion on me when you are still living in your sisters guest house!"

"Really, Gia. Your saying I didn't know my own mother? Well then, fuck you and your—" her now heightened voice cutting off when she hears Shirley shouting. Theo turns slightly to see she is in fact shouting at the tall man she was introduced to earlier. Before Georgia could reply, Theo shushes her, turning her body towards the heated argument, making the two sisters quickly forget about the exchange of words they just had.

"What the hell is going on?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2018 ⏰

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