"I think the cherry blossoms bloom today" he casually yelled winking as his parents looked at him as to why he was mentioning that so randomly. Jerking his head to Miyuki who smiled at the mention of the cherry blossom tree's. Taking the hint their father nodded, "Yes, they will be very beautiful to watch" their mother nodded in agreement , "Yes, so why not we all got have a picnic today under the trees at the park?"

Yusuke and his parents smiled as Miyuki nodded happily, but sadly it did not last long as Hikaru and Iori shook their head. 

"I have plans" they said as one missing the look of sadness that passed over their younger brother, but Yusuke did not as he went behind their seats smiling before kicking them. Before they could yell at him he grabbed their heads forcing them to watch as their younger brother sadly ate his food at the mention of them not all going to the picnic as May played with his hair.

Iori smiled, "Actually those plans are not till next week so I'm free" Hikaru nodded "So, let's go!" he screamed as they all stood up to get everything ready. They could not help but smile as Miyuki smiled brightly at the thought of everyone being together. 

It did not take long for everyone to get dress, and the bentos to be made. Except, as Miyuki looked around he realized there was someone missing, it was Natsume. He took his phone trying to call him, but it went straight to voice mail.
Everybody seemed to not mind that he was not there, it was normal for him not to be there. Miyuki did not agree, looking around he spotted Emma sadly looking at her phone. He guessed she tried calling him aswell. Sneaking up behind her he saw a message on her screen. It was from Natsume.
'can't go, busy'
That did not sit well for Miyuki, yeah him and Emma never got along but she was still his sister, and even though Natsume was his brother he had hurt her.
Quickly handing May to Yusuke he pulled Emma along upstairs. She did not have time to respond as she had no idea what was happening until Miyuki gave her a hat and a coat.
"We're sneaking out" he whispered to her excited being he had never done anything so rebellious before in his life.
Emma still did not understand as she watched her brother open the window before jumping out landing on the tree by his window. Smiling he waved her over.
"Let's go get Natsume!" He smiled before jumping off the tree and crouched down behind a bush. Emma watches as he motioned for her to do the same, it was a bit odd how he was excited about sneaking out. Except, she was worried that others may panic if they both disappear, deciding to leave a note she turned around to see her father smiling motioning for her to hurry up and follow Miyuki. Not really understanding she followed out the window, down the tree, into the bush where she found a happy boy looking around for witnesses.
Emma decided to play along, then her eyes cought something red ducking behind the window. Looking closer she saw it was Yusuke and May, behind them was their family smiling at then. Miyuki did not seem to notice then yet so she hurried to the gate, it seemed as though instead of trying to stop them, their family really wanted him to 'sneak out'. Emma thought it probably had something to do with how his family was before he moved in with them.

They walked togeather down the streets, she was not so sure about going to see Natsume at his work place especially because she felt as though it would only bother him.  

Neither of them noticed as Subaru followed them with a cap and hoodie on to cover his face. Keeping a distance he wondered why his father wanted him to follow them instead of Yusuke who at the moment was still trying to leave the house to follow Miyuki. If it was him, he would of told them to come back but from the story Yusuke told them it seemed like Miyuki never did things he wanted to, he never acted his age untill now. So, he followed to protect them.

After passing a few streets, he noticed that they had passed the college and rich primary school for kids. That could only mean one thing, they were heading to Natsumes work place. 

Miyuki walked into the lobby looking around for his brother, unlike Emma he did not feel out of place here because he was on a mission. A mission to make sure his siblings are happy, even if it meant barging into his brothers meeting. Which, at this moment he was about to do as the lady in the front chased him and Emma through the halls as he looked in every room. Finally, he saw Natsume through a window and did not even think twice as he walked into the romm saying hello to the people around the tabel. Some gave him a response, others waved as they watched him grab Natsume before exiting the room where a nervouse Emma stood with her eyes looking anywhere but at Natsume.

"Today, we are ALL going on a picnic and nothing you say will stop you from coming aswell" Emma and Natsume could hear the demanding in his tone and nodded as he grabbed his sister hand and headed back the way they came leaving their brother shocked and very confused. Since their mission was complete, they headed home discussing what to make for the lunch boxes.


Once they made it home Yusuke asked what had happened and where they had gone, though he already knew thanks to Subaru sending images every ten minutes. But, just incase he made Miyuki tell him everything.

As they finished up the boxes and headed out to the park Miyuki smiled as he noticed Natsume already waiting for them at a good spot. In his arms was a bag, as they set everything up he pulled Emma aside.

Miyuki of course followed them along with Yusuke as they watched him give her the bag, Emma smiled as she pulled out a small teddy bear with a small message in its arms. She smiled as she tip toed letting her self lean in closer and closer. 

Yusuke covered Miyukis eyes as he watched them kiss, Miyuki though his eyes were covered he knew what had just happened. He could feel his cheeks heat up as Yusuke slowly let him go but not before letting his arm wrap around his waist.

He was happy, though they were called back he was still happy for this was his and May's first family outing. Their first cherry blossom viewing, he was the happiest at this moment.


Sorry for not updating for a month now, since finals was this month and they just ended for me yesterday. Also, sorry that this story may sound confusing and all around I've been working on it every now and then so I do not remember much. Hopefully, the next chapter will make more sense. BYE BYE!!!       

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