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The stalls along the road were covered in public wares from the heralded armour to the small supply of hide. The last few stalls from the gate held people advertising varying prices for blade sharpening and shoe horsing. Cortana was busy putting finishes to one set of armour or other, Tyrone didn't mind he could use this time wisely to sell small meat strips and sinew that Tyrone felt wasn't needed. Of course though he was more wanting to see outside wares. But he would wait to find out what he could buy.

The wares on his stall were basic enough a small set of shoulder pads rested on the mannequin to his left, and along with this a lot of other armour pieces rested on it, a chain link tunic that was padded on both sides with leather and wool took the stage of the right mannequin with a bandolier lying on top, it was a beautiful piece from Cortana, and she agreed, although almost all of her wares were near-perfect this was special, it was the only Armour that Tyrone was allowed to help her with and he had decided on the design, even helping get the buckles that lied on the pouches, he remembered making it well as he had only helped Cortana about a month ago.

He had made the plan on a table he idly scratched, Cortana was about to scald him before letting him continue it, Cortana made it feverishly not even allowing Tyrone to see it when he bought the bone or metal that was needed to make the buckles and pouches. However that one was still on sale and he had priced it modestly, about 100 shillings without adjusting and it wouldn't need to be adjusted Cortana had designed it with all sizes in mind letting anyone wear it as tightly or freely as they wished.

Tyrone was pulled back to the present by a chiming bell, the church bell signalled the start of market and a slow trotting was harmonised by it, the first few merchant came in without a backwards glance, they rode strong horses that were pampered by their eccentrically coloured riders, the satchels attached to the saddles weighed down with products was nothing compared to their pockets, the coins jingled heavily, they passed to the church hiring out a stall each. The rest of the parade followed sporting weapons, material and books, all accompanied by a song of coins, they all settled as the trail came down, the last few went through and the gates began to shut.

The gates stopped and a ragged mule laden with satchels and bags went through, the man riding it was grizzled, and shared a smile to Tyrone as he stopped and lay his items on a sheet with tears in places. The man saw him staring and moved slightly to let him see his products.

he leaned over the stall to look and his eyes came out of his head, the sheet was laden with small cloths accompanied with wicked blades, a skull and a few books ragged with wear. The man smiled again and announced himself to the growing crowd, "I am Rotterham, or Rotter call me as you see fit," the greying soldier continued. "I have come from the south with wares, you sir" he pointed at a boy with his finger searching his hair, clearly not old enough to buy anything, he continued anyway, "would you like a gremlin loin cloth, an orcish war club perhaps?" the crowd started to disipate as he spoke and out of desperation he pulled a book out and announced, "or perhaps this book i managed to take from the corpse of one of our brave battlemages?" the crowd collapsed on the area , a man asked something, "how did you get it?"

Rotterham refused outright stating a presumably solid reason "You wouldn't believe me." The gate opened, slowly. And the bankers son proceeded, his name was Tyler alongside his Brother and Guard, a quiet girl of about 17 called sierra, he laughed at Rotter as he came in. his snort annoying enough but not as bad as him in general. " Oh you stupid arse you forged that clearly, that book would have sold to Vocans by now if it was real," He pointed at Tyrone "You there! give me the bandolier, it's payment for your blocking of the road!" he looked at him, pointing to the chubby son, "lose some weight and it might fit you" the guard giggled and others joined in and he responded, aiming his next blow at the man "For your forgery you are to give it to me at the end of the day, there is no more to discuss" he left red faced and annoyed, and the crowd dissipated. Rotter crossed to Tyrones stall as he laughed freely, he pointed to the Shield that rested on the stall, "may I try this" Tyrone responded with a nod. Rotter started to put it on as Tyrone described it, "The handle is made from a strong ash wood, the strap that attaches your forearm to it is made from sinew, leather and a wool lining, the shield itself has a small set of bone in it and is coated in a watered down fat that keeps it water proof, at least for a short period."

Rotter moved his arm with it, motioning a block, he asked the question Tyrone wanted "how much is it" he calculated quickly, "about 150 shillings" Rotter retorted "only 150? I would pay at least 200 for this" Tyrone responded quickly "no we pride in affordable but high quality goods, are you willing to buy anything?" Rotter handed him a bag of silver, "definitely!!" He announced praise to the road, "this man..." "Tyrone" "Tyrone is a brilliant armourer, cheap and affordable but not poor quality" Tyrone stopped him with a word "Be careful you might not get service." He thanked the compliment and left for his stall.

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