Chapter 4

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Brooklin's P.O.V

I flutter my eyes open, and I groan at the sunlight peeking threw the window.

I tried to move but there was strong arms wrapped around my waist.

I sighed.

I just wished this was all a dream.

Where I could wake up and be in my bed.

I would see my annoying brothers,and my parents.

And also see my best friends.

It hurt to know that they are probably looking for me.

Well hell Alex is probably looking for me too.

Even after he made it clear he didn't want me,or to see me.

I wiggle under Jason's arms.

He didn't budge a little bit.

I pulled his arm using my strength, off of me and I rolled out of the bed.

He still laid there dead asleep.

This is my way out of the house.

I walk out of the bedroom,and saw many hallways.

I cursed to myself.

I walked down the one to the left,and just followed the doors.

Suddenly I was bumped into,and I stumbled back.

"HEY WATCH WHAT YOUR-"A girl started screaming , but she stopped when she saw me.

"Oh sorry."She said embarrassed.

"You must be the girl Jason took."She said annoyed.

"He is such a pig."She scoffed.

"I can agree."I scoffed quietly.

"Oh really!"She perked.

"Well now I know we are gonna get along real well"She said.

"I'm Nicole, and you are?"She smiled crossing her arms over her chest.

"Brooklin."I said.

"So Brooklin, what are you doing out in these hallways by yourself, usually he has them tied up."She said.

"To be honest, I'm trying to get out of here."I whispered.

She raised her eyebrow.

"I will help you,but one thing."She said.

My eyes widen.

"You gotta be my best friend, and I will show you sofia,she is nice too!"She smiled.

"So I can leave now?"I said in hope.

"No it has to be planned,I can't let you go now, its to risky."She whispered.

She linked are arms, and brought me down the hall to these stairs I couldn't find.

"Nicole I wanna leave as soon as possible."I said.

"Doesn't everyone that works with Jason."She laughed.

We walked into the kitchen, and I saw the two black guys getting high in that room last night at the table eating cereal.

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