
37 13 5

It's days like this
With grey skies and
Teardrops falling from heaven
That make me realise
You aren't here with me

I'm trying to do everything I can
but my mind keeps going back to
The name on my lips
My eyes keep looking for
The hand on my hips
And my heart?
She's waiting for her
own apocalypse

I drink up my thoughts
Open sealed bottles of emotions
And keep wishing for
The same thing over and over again
I want it, I need it
but I know I cant have it
And so the tears of heaven begin
mix with my own
And everyone starts to hear the thunder inside me.

A/n-I had the worst block ever :(( I promised I'll update frequently so sorry for thattt. Thanks for reading kind of a filler
Much love 💕
Liv 🌦️

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