He sat down at a desk and took out some paperwork.

"This  is the Last Will and testament of myself, George Harrison, written on the 19th day of July 1999. I leave entirety of my estate to my wonderful wife Olivia and my son Dhani. I want to thank you both for your support, love and care during the years we have shared..."

Kathy turned to her husband, already overcome with tears. He wrapped his arms around her and let her cry softly, as many people in the room were already doing. Once composed, she took in more of the proceedings, still wondering why she was there.

"....my dear friend James Paul McCartney, I leave my second favourite Ukelele. Macca, second best for you as the best goes to Dhani. Don't you dare have it restrung for a leftie though! Buy your own! I want this hung on the wall of your studio mate, as a reminder of those great jamming session you, me and Ritchie shared before I became too ill. I'll give Johnny boy a hug from you both. Love you mate...even if you can be an arse!"

The room filled with laughter. Kathy took Paul's hand and squeezed it, as she saw him fighting back tears. He looked down at her and shook his head. "I miss him Kathy," he mouthed to her, "why was he taken so young? It's not fair."

Suddenly she felt Tom nudge her. He gestured to the front.

"......Kathryn Johnson (nee Marshall) imagine my pleasure when I read in The Times about your school for the deaf and your charitable foundation to help young deaf peole move into adult life. I've wanted to make a donation ever since reading about you and your husband. So Kathy, I offer you a donation to your foundation. I hope you will accept it with my love and best wishes."

She was then handed an envelope with her name on. She fingered the thick paper and looked at the familiar handwiting, remembering her excitement, all those years ago, when a letter from George landed on her doormat.

Finally the reading was over. They filled out, shaking hands with Dhani and Olivia on the way.

"Would you like to join me for lunch?" Paul asked, "For old times sake."

Kathy looked at Tom. He signed something quickly to her. She shook her head then signed something back. He grinned at her. She turned to Paul.

"My wondefuul husband is suggesting that I spend some time with you, wandering down memory lane and he'll go back to school then come back for me later. If that fits in around your plans for the day?"

Paul was delighted so, after kissing her husband good bye, they set  off together to Paul's house. Kathy watched as Paul expertly cooked for them. Placing the plates on the table, the years fell away and they talked with ease, both reminising and talking about their lives now.

"Do you and Tom have children?" he asked her, after talking about his own four.

"Just one. A daughter, Georgia. She's just 18."

"Georgia?" He raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Kathy smiled. "There's no significance to her name Paul. It was her name when we adopted her when she was three years old. Tom and I never manged to have children of our own.  We tried but after I miscarried for the fourth time, we stopped. Then Georgia was brought to our school. She was deaf mute and in care. Her parents couldn't deal with her disability. She was ours by the time she was five. She's wonderful. Off to university soon which scares me if I'm honest." She fished in her bag and showed him some photos.

"It's because of Georgia we set up the foundation. We discovered that there are so many deaf children in care, not receiving the help they need. We're in the middle of fund raising for a new building so that some of our older children can be more independent, in preparation for adult life. Whatever George's donation is, it will be gratefully recieved!"

 July 30th 2005

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls," said Kathy, stood surrounded by adults and children, "I'd like to welcome you all here today as we finally open our new senior wing which will allow our young adults to live more independently. And we have a very special person to perform our ceremony for us." She grinned at Paul, who was stood at the back of the group.

The man walked forward. He shook hands with Tom and hugged Kathy.

"Ladies and gentemen, it gives me great  pleasure to stand here today and open this new unit. I think the work that Kathy and her staff do is amazing. I am also delighted to say  how excited I am to be working with some pupils myself starting in September."

He smiled at Kathy then gently pulled the cord that unveilled a plaque.

 After a day of celebrations and partying, the three stood looking at the plaque, lost in their on thoughts.

"I really struggled with the wording and the right picture." said  Kathy softly. "And now, each time I pass this plaque, I touch his face.  Is that mad?"

"I think you've got it just right. It's the kind of simplicity he would have liked." said Paul. "As for touching it, if iit feels right, why not!"

"What do you think?" Kathy asked, concerned, looking at the other man. "I think your opinion matters the most!"

He looked at the plaque then read the words again, out loud in a clear voice.

"Harrison House for the Deaf was officially opened on the 30th July 2005 by Mr Dhani Harrison. Named in honour of his father, musician and a much loved dear friend, George Harrison."

Dhani turned and hugged her."Paul's right Kathy. Dad would have loved it!"

                                                    The End.

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