Chapter Six: The author hates me

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Authors note: This story is one I write while trying to fall asleep, I have it planned out loosely until the ending. LOOSELY. This means I might throw something in I thought I explained when I actually explained it to myself at 1 in the morning! Tell me if I do! Also, just saying comments make faster updates!

Ok, this is not how I imagined Sunday would be. Closh and Saudrey were both on dates while I sat occasionally slapping myself.

Yeah those occasions were when I thought about James. I mean how couldn't I-

NO. I smack my cheek. Yeah it kinda hurts but what the hell else can I do? I'm thinking about James as if I like him. That's not acceptable.

I need a distraction

I text Lacey and watch The Office, extremely tense. My parents have been working alot this weekend, they both leave at 5:00am and come home at 9:00pm. I guess a normal teen would be ecstatic and like throw parties or something but i'm just worried i'll run out of ramen.

OOHH from what? ;)

I knew this was how Lacey would respond. Still, im grateful she did respond. Sitting here all day would kill me.

I dont know, terrorism? Come on just help.

I know the depressing response will deter Lacey from further questioning.

God Taylor, way to be dark. Fine, movie? I think they're re-running Iron Man at 11.

It's 10:15. I smile, Iron man's good. I mean, I've seen it before, so has Lacey. Lacey is a kind of popular girl but a total superhero nerd. I mean, really she loves them. i mean the first question she'll ask you when you mention superheros is which Flash you like best. Word for the wise, there's a right answer.




After the movie Lacey drives us to our local hole in the wall, Mike's Pizza.

"Ok." she says seriously, tapping the steering wheel, "What are you running from? And you better actually answer because I'm driving and if I don't like your answer I'm driving us in circles for hours."

"I don't even know." I reply, slumping over. "Someone I might like."


"Exactly." I answer, I'm not even sure if I like James. Ain't that pathetic?

"Ok, is he hot?" Lacey prompts.

"No." I answer automatically.

Lacey rolls her eyes, "What color is his hair?"

"Tainted chocolate."

"Eye color?"

"Polluted ocean."

"Abs? Yay or nay?"

"They exist and are never covered with a shirt."

"Hmm." Lacey responds, eyebrows up, "Dark brown hair, deep blue eyes, and abs. Hot."

"Ew." I scrunch up my nose.

"How does he wear his hair?"

"I don't know, like every other guy, shorter on the sides parted over on top?" I answer, I've never really taken notice to how he wears his hair.

"Well, why do you hate him?" She asks curiously.

"'Cause he's a jerk! He's got so many girls falling at his feet hospital workers group around him!" I yell, aggravated.

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