Meeting a rose

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A/N: I got this as a suggestion from CHAOTIX664 go check him out. he gets credit for the idea but I did make the story. I hope you Enjoy!

(Y/N P.O.V)

I was 'walking' to the bullhead that would take me to beacon. Though in reality I was running from rooftop to rooftop while teleporting because I was so late. "I am so late so so late."

I saw the bullhead about to take off and jumped off the last rooftop. I saw that I wasn't going to make it and teleported to the bullhead from where I was. Once inside I picked an empty seat and sat down. I saw everyone go to one side of the plane and someone say they could see signal. I got excited and started teleporting around them to see and saw signal academy. "Oh this is a good view."

I then accidentally bumped into something when teleporting. "Ow."

You:"Sorry luv, didn't see ya there."

I grabbed the persons hand as they were falling and made sure they didn't hit the ground. Once they were back on their feet I saw it was a girl in a red dress who looked a little young to be going to beacon. "It's fine, thanks for not letting me hit the ground."

You:"No problem luv, as long as the cavalry's here."

I then teleported back to my seat and heard someone talking. I looked over and saw a hologram of a lady who introduced herself as Ms.Goodwitch. I saw beacon below us as we were approaching. I got very excited and went over to the bullhead doors and teleported out. I could feel the wind passing me and I smiled at the feeling. I dived toward the school and was about a hundred feet from the ground when I teleported safely onto the pavement. Once I landed I turned to see the bullhead not far behind. I started to walk to where it would land and once I got there the bullhead descended and landed on the ground. I saw everyone get off and head in a certain direction. 'I guess I missed something?'. I followed them until I heard an explosion from behind me. I turned around and saw the red dressed girl being yelled at by a white dressed girl in a crater. 'Uuuhhh, I guess I should see what the problem is'. I walked up to them as the girl in the white dress was still yelling. "What's the matter luv'?"

They bother looked at me and I saw the red dress wearing girl blush and the white dressed one was angered. "She bumped into me and nearly damaged some of my dust, that and she caused a scene!"

You:"Well luv your causing a scene by yelling so I would be careful."

She looked at me and 'hmphed' while walking away. I then offered my hand to the other girl and she took it so I pulled her up. "Well that's two times we met with you on the ground or falling luv, what's your name?"

Girl:"Ruby, and your's?"

You:"Y/N, well I suggest we get going luv or else we will be late."


I then heard another person walk up.

(Time skip)

Me, Ruby, and another guy we met named Jaune were still trying to find the auditorium. I then heard ruby talk about her weapon. "So I got this thing."

She pulls out a scythe. "Is that a scythe?!"

Ruby:"It's also a customizable high impact sniper rifle."


Ruby:"It's also a gun."


You:"Yeah sweet weapon."

Ruby:"So what do you guys have?"

Jaune:"I've got this sword and a shield, the shield shrinks down when I don't want to carry its weight."

You/Ruby:"But wouldn't it weigh the same?"

Jaune:"Yeah, it does."

You:"Well I've got these."

I showed my two pulse pistols. "And this."

I pointed at my chronal accelerator. I saw Ruby's eyes full of curiosity. "What do they do?"

You:"Well my pistols are powered by my chronal accelerator which also keeps my semblance from overpowering me."

Ruby:"What's your semblance?"

You were about to say what it was when Jaune realized we were lost. We started to head in the other direction to try and find everyone.

(Time skip after speech)

I was in my sleeping bag and looked to see Ruby walking over. "I wanted to say thanks again for the help earlier."

You:"No problem luv, hope you sleep well."

It was hard to tell because it was so dark but I thought I saw her blushing. She then walked back to her sleeping bag and I closed my eyes. 'I can't wait until tomorrow'.

A/N: well I hope you enjoyed that chapter. Thanks again to CHAOTIX664 for the idea. The next chapter to blind love will be up on Saturday. Until the next chapter, Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2018 ⏰

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