Her Name

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The girl looked around to see she was covered by blankets made from the finest furs. Her body was heavy and her throat was burning. Atreus saw the girl was up and got her some water, wanting to help the girl in any way he could. Resting her left hand on her head, palm up, there where runic tattoos that said "Y\N."

Atreus guessed that was her name but he just handed over the cup of water. Her stomach soon growled and she blushed embarrassed, Atreus just scratched in back of his head as his own stomach growled. Mimir piped up and said, "You two had best get your fills on food before brother gets back."

Atreus got up and grabbed some bread from a shelf, handing half to the girl. "Here, you need it." 

The girl took the half held out to her and broke off pieces to eat. The leftover bread would be for whoever was caring for this boy. Atreus watched "Y-n" eat and got his courage up to ask, "what is you name?"

The girl seemed startled by the question. She recovered and showed her left palm pointing to the runes marked there. "T-that.... Is... M-my... Name..." She stuttered looking at her palm with sad eyes.

"My name is Atreus. It's nice to meet you, Y-n." He held out a hand and she took the hand shacking it.

She was giving a tiny smile, she wasn't used to being around others except for people with armor. Her cheeks had a slight blush on them since she felt safe with Atreus along with two more odd feelings welling up in her chest. She never felt protective or held any form of affection for anyone before. All she knew was how to survive on her own and be alone.

She moved the covers from her body and hair to stand up, only to see the shackles on her ankles and wrists. She hated these restraints but a curse was placed on the shackles to never be removed. Kartos walked back inside to see Y-n was up and saw her gaze. One he knew all too well.

God Of War: Atreus x Reader - The Girl of GodsWhere stories live. Discover now