The Girl In Shackles

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Kartos and Atreus walked the path from the dock near their home and Mimir was humming something not really caring if they heard. Atreus stopped in his tracks as he felt something but he didn't know what. Kartos noticed his son stopped and asked, "Boy, why did you stop?"

Atreus looked to his father, "I feel something, father. But I don't know what is causing it." Taking up his bow, Atreus looked to Kartos, "I'll go search up ahead."

Atreus took off running and found a footprint in the dirt where ashes had been before.  He heard a faint sound coming from behind their house, it was... Breathing, labored breathing. The boy walked around the back and found a girl laying on her side. Her hair was in tangles and soaked in red as if it was bathed in blood. Her outfit (at top) wasn't something Astreus was used to seeing, her shackled hands grabbed at her chest. She was trying to breath, however, she passes out just at the same second.

"Father!" Atreus yelled and knelled next to the girl, he placed a hand on her arm feeling for a pulse. It was there, slow but there.

"Boy." Kartos came around to where Atreus was and couldn't understand what he was seeing.

"I heard weak breathing so followed the sound and found her here." Atreus looked from the girl to his father and back again. "She just fainted before I could ask anything. "

Kartos picked the girl up in his arms and carried her inside, Mimir saw blood trailing its way around and into the house. Atreus noticed too and said to his father that her hair might have blood hiding the real color. The boy grabbed a extra blanket from under the floor for the girl's hair as his father laid her down. Atreus pulled up a seat to keep her company until she woke up.

Kartos told his son that he would be back in a while they needed fire wood and the broken trees outside would do for now. Mimir was placed on the bedside table was a candle near. Atreus heard the girl's breathing even out and she relaxed under the warmth of the fur blankets.

God Of War: Atreus x Reader - The Girl of GodsWhere stories live. Discover now