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I woke up the next morning to Josh holding me close, our legs tangled together as we had the comforter pulled tightly around us to shield us from the freezing air conditioned room. I peeked at the clock to see it was 1:17 in the afternoon.  I gently moved Josh's arm off of me and sat up, rubbing my eyes when I heard arguing right outside the door.

Panicking when I recognized the voices, I shook Josh's arm, and whispered, "Josh get the fuck up now." He opened one eye and groaned and turned over but I wouldn't let him as I shook him again, "Tyler and Jenna are back.  Get the fuck up."

Josh sat up,  rubbing his eyes and mumbled, "I was sleeping."  A few strands of his pink hair were sticking straight up as he leaned over the side of the bed, looking for his shirt almost falling off the bed in the process. 

"Well act like you've been awake damn it and follow along if needed," I hissed as I put my hair into a neat bun and fixed my pajamas so they weren't so wrinkled.  I grabbed my room key and took a deep breath as I walked over to the door and opened it, revealing Jenna and Tyler: Jenna with her arms crossed over her chest and Tyler holding their bags.  When the door opened they immediately stopped bickering and looked at me.

"Hey guys, you're back," I smiled, acting like I wasn't just coming out of Josh's room, "Josh and I were wondering where you guys were. We were trying to wait and see if you got back in time for us all to go to lunch together." I was not awake enough to eat lunch but it was the quickest excuse I could think of for being in Josh's room and hopefully I said it loud enough so Josh would follow along.

Jenna snatched her bag from Tyler, "No thanks, maybe he wants to go with you guys."

Tyler huffed, "I have no appetite, someone's sour mood ruined it for me."

I just looked at both of them, "Alright well, I'm going to get ready to go downstairs then." 

I walked next door with Jenna, internally sighing a breath of relief that both of them were too irritated to worry about me. Jenna slammed the door behind us, threw her bag on the floor and went straight to the bathroom and locked the door behind her. Luckily I had an extra toothbrush and toothpaste and brushed my teeth in the kitchen sink before deciding to leave Jenna alone for a bit and go downstairs. The lobby was quiet, a few guest milling around as they were coming in from the beach, already heading to the resort's restaurant for lunch.  I grabbed a cup of coffee, feeling like a zombie after staying up all night when I felt someone bump my shoulder, causing me to stumble and almost spill my drink.

"Thought I'd find you here," he smirked, "Perfect timing."

I couldn't help but smile when I saw he was still wearing the bracelet and his pink hair was as wild as ever, "Caffeine was in order."

"Soooo what's going on?" Josh asked as he grabbed himself a cup of coffee.

I shrugged snapping a lid on my coffee cup, "You tell me? Clearly Jenna and Ty are on the outs. Did Tyler say anything?"

Josh shook his head, "No he just crawled under the covers, which usually means...."

"don't bother him," I said finishing his sentence, "I know him pretty well."

We sat down on one of the couches in the lobby leaving a decent space between us, "Anything from Jenna?"

"Nope," I said making a popping sound on the 'p', "She locked herself in the bathroom and didn't come out."

Josh sank further into the couch, "Well...I guess the war has started. Their fights can get super messy."

"There you are Joshy," Becky sang as she sauntered into the main lounge area where we were sitting wearing a neon pink tiny bikini and a see through slip over it which served no purpose at all, "I've been looking for you."

Opia // Joshua Dun [AU]Where stories live. Discover now