CAWJustice: Year 1

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It's starts on a rooftop in Gotham City, with Superman and Batman sitting together.

Superman: We want you to be the god father.

Batman looks shocked but then smiles.

Superman: Wow the worlds best detective is surprised for once.

Batman looked at Superman and then looked back down at Gotham with a smile. But while the two long time best friends were talking The Joker and Harley Quinn has killed Scarecrow and taken Gloria Cunningham hostage.

Superman goes to get Gloria to find the dead Scarecrow and Gloria missing. Superman calls Batman in a panic.

Superman: Over the Phone Quincy, Gloria is gone and Scarecrow dead!

Batman: Over the Phone I'll be there.

Batman showed up and sees the scene, he calls in the entire Justice League.

Batman: In earpiece Calling all Justice League members, Scarecrow is dead and Gloria is missing. We need backup!

In a flash The Flash shows up, he approaches batman.

The Flash: I'm here! What can I do to help.

Batman: Run all around metropolis until you find The Joker and Harley Quinn.

The Flash: Will do!

The Flash takes off and runs all around Metropolis and finds something disturbing and runs back to find Green Lantern and Wonder Woman, He approaches Batman.

Batman: Report Flash.

The Flash: You're going to need to see this for yourself. Turns to the rest Follow behind!

The Flash grabs Batman and runs off along side Superman, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern. They get to the docks and stop.

The Flash: I lost there tracks here.

Wonder Woman: I sense them under the water!

Superman dives and comes back up with an entire submarine. He rips it open with his bare hands and goes inside to find The Joker and Harley Quinn operating on Gloria, Superman enraged walks forward.

Superman: STEP AWAY!

The Joker: Oh Superman no need to worry old chap w-

Superman walks to The Joker when he throws fear toxin at superman hitting him in the head. Superman is dazed then looks back up to see DOOMSDAY! He is confused on how he got there but has no time to think as he grabs him and heads straight for outer-space. As The Joker and Harley Quinn hop off the boat Harley looks back to her first ever ship and says

Harley Quinn: Goodbye Bessy!

Green Lantern: That's an awful name for a submarine...

Batman grabs The Joker and begins to ask what has he done and The Joker response

The Joker: Simple Bat! I've planted a nuke in Metropolis that is linked to Gloria's heartbeat!

Batman thinks about it and looks up to see Superman flying Gloria into space. Superman is poisoned by Kryptonite Fear Toxin.


But it's to late, as the toxin wears off Superman see Gloria's dead body floating away. "Numb plays while he looks at her frozen and speechless."

CAW Justice: Years 1-5Where stories live. Discover now