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She tried to focus on the movie, but it was proving difficult. She was grateful when her phone lit up. She looked at the message and grinned.

I miss you.

She was ready to respond to Reggie when she realized it hadn't come from him. It had come from Sweet Pea.

Dallas' heart sunk to the pit of her stomach.

"Whats up with that face Dal?" Fallon asked.

"Uh noth-nothing, but I uh, gotta go. Y'all can stay here, but Im gonna, um, go," Dallas stumbled through her words.

She got up in a panic and hastily pulled on her shoes. She grabbed her bag and dashed out the door, ignoring Fallon and Cassidy shouting her name. She doesn't even know where she needs to go but another ding, rings from her phone.

Sweet Pea is here. You need to get over here.

Brooks message sounded urgent and it made anxiety surface in Dallas. She fumbled around in her bag, pulling out a pill bottle. She threw a few back before breaking into a sprint. Brooks Mayfield didn't live too far away from her and her mom. She wasn't surprised that Sweet Pea was there. Ever since Fallon had gotten with Brooks him and Fangs had become really good friends with him.

Dallas' was sweating like a crazy person when she got to Brooks' house. It had to be nearing midnight, the streets were empty and house lights were out. She banged on the door ignoring the late hour. The door swung open from behind her hand startling her. It was Fangs.

"Hey Dal," he muttered, stepping aside to let in her in.

The house was mostly dark, except for a single lamp. Sweets was in an armchair, slumped over the arm. Dallas' heart broke to see him so far gone.

"Whats wrong with him?" Dallas whispered.

Brooks came forward with his arms crossed, a dark look on his face. "He's messed up. Came over here looking for you."

"Now he won't talk to us," Fangs added.

"Hey Sweets...." Dallas mumbled.

She couldn't tell what was wrong with him. Was he drunk? High? Just depressed? She really didn't know.

He looked up at her, his eyes bloodshot, like he'd ben crying. He shook his head and scoffed.

"I'm stupid," he muttered.

Dallas, Brooks and Fangs all looked at one another, not really sure what he meant.

"Meaning?" Dallas asked, kneeling in front of him.

"I fucked us up. I'm an idiot." In a quick moment, he sat up from the chair. The muscles in his arms flexed as he ran his hands through his hair.

Brooks and Fangs slowly backed out of the room, both silently wishing Dallas luck. She rushed forward and grabbed ahold of his forearms.

"Hey. Stop. It's okay. It's not a big deal," Dallas assured him, although she knew she was lying straight through her teeth.

He stopped his pacing for only a moment. He looked at her, completely still. Then all at once he rushed her, taking hold of her face and pressing his lips to hers. She struggled for only a moment before muscle memory took over. She sunk into him, her knees growing weak. But he was there to keep her upright.

Dallas finally came to her senses and yanked away, her breathing ragged. "No! You can't do this Sweets! You dumped me, remember?"

He stared at her, unsure of what to say next. "I told you something that could ave been life altering and you abandoned me!" She shouted, not realizing tears were rolling down her cheeks. "What if I had been pregnant? Huh?"

"Dallas, I messed up. I got scared," he admitted.

"Wow, you were scared. Interesting." She turned to leave but he caught her hand.

"Please, Dal, one more chance," he whispered.

"I'm with Reggie," she choked.

Sweet Pea rolled his eyes. "Don't lie Dallas. We both know that it was all a game. I got with Josie to make you mad. She wanted to make Reggie mad. You wanted to make me mad and him her. It never meant anything. You have to know that."

Dallas huffed, frustration radiating off her. She glared her eyes at him, then leapt into his arms. She planted her lips on his and gripped him tight.

"Don't let me go ever again," she moaned.

"Don't need to tell me twice."

The two broke the loss, resting their foreheads on one another. "I love you Dallas Blaire."

"I know you do."

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