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Dallas pushed open the doors to Pop's. Usually she felt joy entering the old diner, but she felt nauseous. She was having family breakfast, her, mom, and FP. Yeah, it's as bad as it sounds. They were already there, sitting next to each other, in a deep conversation. It was the weirdest thing to see them together. She had dreamed her whole life of having both her mom and dad in the same place. Now it felt odd and out of place. 

Dallas slid into the booth across from them. They were smiling but you could tell it was strained. They hadn't spoken in years. Well, she assumed anyways. She looked down and saw they both already had coffee, and by the amount of opened sugar packets in front of her mom, she knew they were far past just one cup. 

"Good morning sweetheart," Cindy cooed. Dallas hadn't heard those words from her in so long. 

"Good morning, you both seem excited," Dallas said with slight hesitation. 

"Well, we've done some talking and we want joint custody of you. Now we know you're getting close to 18 but we think that spending real time could be good for you," Cindy finished. 

"I'm not flip flopping between here and Pinedale every weekend mother. FP come on, you don't seriously agree with her do you?" 

"No, I didn't. which is why I convinced her and Teddy to move back here." He smiled smuggly. Cindy rolled her eyes and it was like looking in a mirror to Dallas. 

"Wait, you're moving here?" Dallas couldn't help but feel giddy. 

Cindy smiled warmly and genuinely, "Yes, Teddy and I talked it over and we think it would be best. I am desperate to be with you more, and he wants to be around Fangs and the Serpents more. We found this house over on Hargrove Avenue, just down the street from your school."

"You're moving to the Northside?" Dallas asked. 

"Yeah, that way you'll be....better off," Cindy stumbled. 

"Better off? As in not around my friends who are in the gang? Mom! I am a Serpent just as much as you or anyone else over on the Southside. It's my home and I don't wanna be without it," Dallas exclaimed drawing attention to their back booth. 

"Dallas Blaire!" Cindy snapped. Dallas flung back in shock, her mother had middle named her. 

Cindy brought a manicured hand to her forehead and sighed. FP fought back a laugh and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. 

"Lay off your mom? Okay Dal?" he laughed. "And besides, no one wants to take you out of the south side. Thats why we want to share you, because you're that great kiddo. Which leads me to my next question," he said. 

Cindy's blue eyes flicked over to FP, a sly smile on her face. 

"Dallas, I am committing 100% to being your dad, and I wanted to know if you want to commit 100% to being my daughter?" He slid a thick stack of papers across the table to Dallas. She grabbed the stapled sheets and scanned the title. OFFICIAL NAME CHANGE FORM

"Whats this?" she asked, trying not to get her hopes up. 

"Well I'm thinking your mom will have a new last name soon, and she'll be ditching Wiley. We were thinking maybe you'd like to ditch it to?" FP grinned. 

"I get to be a Jones?" Dallas stuttered. 

"Only if you wanna be."

"Yes! A million times yes. Oh my god! I'm gonna be Dallas Jones," she screamed. 

"Perfect kid, now you better get going. School starts soon," FP said. 

"I love you both! Also, Carrie the Musical tonight and I'll be assisting Fangs. SO please come. Alice is in it FP," Dallas sung bolting out the door. 

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