chapter 5|fractured wrist

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IM ALIVE! I thinks.

Red's POV

After that whole fiasco on the stairwells I had English with Miss Abstract.

We where set to work on a creative writing task " unleash your imagination of fantasy" is what Miss Absract said to us we where given the A4 lined paper while we got to that work Miss Abstract got to marking, But when I put pen to paper I heard a crack and had to suppress a scream and act casual but the teacher heard and walked over to inspect my wrist.

"What happened to you?"

"I don't know,"

Miss Abstract looked at my wrist and placed her glasses on her face to gain closer inspection.

"Well it appears you have a fracture in your wrist,"

For a split second I was shocked and confused but then I realized. Obviously I would get injured falling down stairs I probably broke my wriston Grey's steel abs.

I instantly swatted the though away and blushed so hard I was, for once, thankful for having a hoodie.

As if on que, Grey walks in with Silver behind him making it seem like he was being led here by her. Silver looks at the classroom and asks.

"Everyone here that is supposed to be here Abby?" She asks her eyes lingering in me a moment longer then everyone else's but she looked away again.

"Yes and stop calling me that!" Miss Abstracts voice raised ever so slightly nearing the end of her sentence.

"Yeah yeah whatever."

And with that Silver walked out and into the hallway a sense of authority in each step and left Grey standing there giving a death glare to everyone who looked at him and anyone that looked at him and basically everyone was looking at him.

Miss Abstract cleared her throat and then pointed to the place that grey should sit in the back of the classroom in the corner with nobody around him.

"Ok back to the matter at hand ((*giggles* get it hand becuase his wrist is fractured and the wrist connects to the hand.....ok I'll stop now)) who here is Red's dormate and can take him to the nurses office,"

Nearly everyone raised there hand and was waving it ahout frantically. What.

"Miss Grey is actually my roomate," I deadpanned with my normal monotone voice pointing to him and he had his hand in the air but not waving it about like a bafoon.

Miss Abstract gave really face and then wrote a note for Grey to take me to the nurses office I look at everyone's face and saw disappointment , jealously and envy.

I wonder why?

Miss Abstracts POV

Why is silver such a pervert seriously her and yaoi thing has to stop why the he'll was she even hired for the position. I'm much more better and more qualified for the job and she just makes a joke. I think bitter thoughts as I mark these sheets the same sheets I do EVERYDAY.


Well now we are walking down the hall in absolute silence so I decided to NOT break the ice I'd rather not die today thank you.

My thoughts wonders back to this morning and my face boiled up again I mean like srsly he has a bloody eight pack. I man like I have a six pack becuase I work out and all even though the muscle doesn't show that much but still he radiates big dick energy wich is the good sort of energy but still.

"Are you ill?"

Grey's voice bought me back to my senses.

"no idiot" I deadpanned out But THIS time a little more scared to add idiot.

I was going to open the door but Grey got in front of me, And when i heard weird noises i found out why.

A male student or teacher ran out without a shirt and still puttering his pants on as we entered .

"Grey did you change your mind about my offer~~" I heard a seductive voice say and i peaked my head around the corner to see a seductive nurse blonde hair and ALLL and she was wearing a nurse uniform and black stockings.

"No I'm hear to ask you do to do your actual job, slut "Grey spat to the nurse and then the nurse sighed and yelled.

"Samantha I'm going on my break take care of the students please" the nurse yelled and then walked of and then came a nurse that looked most like a doctor wearing a doctor's uniform with trousers and a clip bored her hair was blonde but short and more dark blond with green eyes and her hair in a low pony tail.

"Ok, let's see what the problem is " she then motioned to a bed and a chair next to it and then lead us there taking Grey's note as she walked back to the her desk to put the note on the desk and grabbed a pen then came back to us and asked some question.

Grey sat on the chair and I sat on the bed .

"When did you obtain the injury?"

"When I fell down the stairs."

Dr Samantha then gave me a look as if to say 'seriously'. Then readjusted her glasses and said.

"You fell down the stairs and told none."


"That is strangely enough not the most stupidest thing I've heard in this school, ok giver you hand"

She then preceded to touch certain areas and asked where it Hurt and when she pressed down on a certain area I let out a yell of pain wich then lead to Grey Sarandon up then realizing what he was doing then sat down.

"Hmm ok it seems fractured so I'll just have to bandage it up and put a splint on it and then you can go to your dorm for the rest of the day, I'll sigh you in for lessons in the computer,"

She then went to get the bandages and I sat thinking Damn first day an day already obtained an injury no wonder I won't be going to PE well it gives me an excuse without people getting suspicious I guess.

I thought absent kindly as I looked around taking in the scent if disinfectant then realized how Kong Grey had been with me.

"Sorry," I say barely above a whisper and shifted in the bed.

Before Grey could reptile Samantha came back with bandages and other objects and told me to stay still as she bandaged me up.

I caught Grey's eye as she was doing it and I saw coldness so I kept on searching until I saw a spark of an emotion I couldn't register....odd.

After that we where dismissed to our dorm and I was given pain killer ig the pain gets bad, I wanted to tell her I have a high pain tolernece but decided that there was enough talking for today so I nodded my head and made my way to my dorm with Grey quickly following up besides me and we kept a comfortable silence around us as we made our way there but I felt like I had a pair of eyes on me the whole way,

Third person POV

Silver watched with a lean glare and kept silent.

"Anything new" Samantha came up behind me making me jump and drop my pocket mirror.

"No also don't do that especially when I'm in the mode"

"Well I hope your in the mode for our pizza date come on"

Samantha dragged silver through the silent hallways and kept on babbling about her day but all silver could think about that boy and what's with him he fell down the marble stairs and didn't let out a sound or any sort of pained movements or a change in his body language he was just....blank.

Grey's eyes watched Reds still figure and the rise of his chest oddly enough He was fascinated by the boy but he felt different like when he saw Red fall down those stairs he felt his chest tighten and anger like he never felt anger before.

Sighing and turning over to his side he mentally slapped himself telling him to snap out of it. These stupid emotions are taking over him making him weak. He cannot be weak.

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