A little rain never hurt anyone. RK900 x reader

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Your pov.

I walked into the building and made my way to the desk.

I get my stuff out from my bag and make my way to the coffee machine for My morning cup of coffee.

I make it the way i normally do and sit down at my desk taking a sip of the warm liquid.

"L/n! I need to see you In my office" I heard Fowler yell.

I do a quick run though of everything I've done this week and came to the conclusion that I'm not In trouble.

I walk up to the glass office and open the door.

"You asked to see me sir?" I say timidly.

"Y/n I want you to meet your new partner, Rk900" he says in a bored tone.

I look over and see an Android that looked a lot like Connor, except he had blueish, gray eyes that could stare into your soul.

He had a white and black jacket, similar to Connors.

"Huh, this will be interesting" I say to myself.

I turn back to Fowler and give him a bashful smile.

"Is that all sir?" I question.

He sighs and looks up from the screen.

"Yes y/n, and thank you for not giving me bullshit like Hank did" he says playful.

I chuckle then he nods his head towards the door indicating that I could leave.

I went to open the door but RK900 beat me to it.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome detective" he says in a monotone voice.

Whoa, his voice is wayyy deeper than Connors.

I walk over and sit at my desk and he just stands there, scanning the area.

"Who the fuck is that?" I heard a husky voice say.

I look up to see my favorite grey haired lieutenant and his Android Connor.

I opens my mouth to speak but I was cut off by a deep voice.

"I am RK900, the Android sent by CyberLife, I'm the newer and improved model" He says, shooting what seemed like a glare at Connor.

Hank chuckled before sitting down at his desk. Connor looked ready to pounce at any moment.

"Gavin is going to have a hissy fit" Hank jokes.

I chuckled.

"Gavin can get over it, he is a grown ass man" I say, tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

"Detective l/n?" 900 asks.

I look up at him and hum questioningly.

"Is there a desk I can use?" He asks.

Thats. Frickin. Adorable?

I point to the one in front of me.

He sits down and starts scanning the computer.

~•~ Rk900 pov ~•~

I look up from the screen and scan my partner.

Detective Y/n, L/n
Born: y/b
Criminal records: none

I noticed some dog hair on the chair.

"Do you have a dog?" I ask.

"Yeah, I also have a Cat" she answered bluntly.

She had a few pictures posted on the bored beside her.

I scan the picture and figured that she had taken the picture with her friends.

I noticed some concert tickets to f/b (favorite band).

"Do you like f/b?" I ask again.

"You listen to g/o/b (genre of band)?"

"I don't listen to music a such......but it would be an intriguing experience."

She just giggled.

For some reason I felt something inside me spark.

~•~ later that day/ Your pov ~•~

It was the end of day. So you were putting your stuff in your bag.

"Detective l/n"

"Nines, just call me y/n" you say for the umpteenth time today.

"My apologies, I have to inform you it Is rainIng quite hard outside and you should wear a jacket." He states.

"Ah shit" I say.

I walk outside and it is pouring rain.

I exhale and turn to Nines.

"Well, a little rain never hurt anyone"

"It could actually make you sick" He states looking at you.

He takes his jacket and hold it over you to keep rain off you.

"Okay, on the count of three we are gonna run"

"1-2-3!" I say as we both run as he still holds his jacket over your head.

You unlocked your car and jumped in, you started it and sat there catching your breath.

"Detecti- I mean y/n, I would suggest checking the weather before going out"

I laugh and punch his shoulder softly.

"Shut up"

Then I drove.

I was completely oblivious to the way the Android felt, that's right, he felt.

He has just met you, but he already fell for you.

And you fell for him as well.

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