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                                           ⬆⬆ Victor ⬆⬆

Recap: as I could even make through the door boom)

(Recap over)

Roshawn pov so as I was going i was going in and out of consciousness as my giving me blows after blows as I feel being my mom being lifted up off of me as I was was being carried out the house by him as he laid me down in the front seat as he went back to get my stuff as he got in and drove off as he was like you going to ok  baby girl he said as we pulled up to big house as he took me upstairs and laid me down in this big as s king size bed (10 hrs later.. So when I gain consciousness hello I said panicking shh. It's ok I'm not gonna hurt here he said handing me some water as I drunk how did I get here I asked him I brought you here he said laying down beside me so why you don't be smiling when you be in class he asked me um I don't have any thing to smile about I said sitting the as I turnt mine head boom his lips was against mine making me kiss back as it was like oh my gosh his lips against mine I thought as the kiss stopped as I was blushing and stuff like you hungry he asked me um yes I said picked up out  me down I said laughing um thank you I said looking down don't look down  Mami you to beautiful to be looking down he said making me smile  extra  hard and stuff aye come on he said where we going I said just come on he said as I followed him to his black charger as we pulled off heading to this really expensive restaurant like it was huge I thought as we went to table as the waitress came over how may I can help y'all today  she said um can I get a pork chop Mack and cheese and some mash potatoes I said as my accent got strong as he ordered the same as they came back with our food as we talked about mostly everything he's funny he's goofy it just something about him I thought as it got late as we made our way to the house as I was already knocked out as he carried me upstairs to his master bedroom where he laid me down on his chest to be continued

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