"Time to go. Ready?"

"What's a 'portkey'?" Harry asked and Hermione shrugged. 


"You stay next to me the entire time and if you need to go some where you must stay with Harry, Hermione and Ron." Olivia nodded and Snape smiled down at her. "Please don't run off."

"I won't dad, I promise." 


"After 3. One... Two..." Amos started to count down slowly.

"Harry!" Harry rushes over and puts his hand on the boot.

"Three!" There's a white flash and suddenly they're all flying through the air. Everyone cheers.

"Let go kids!" Arthur yelled and they looked at each other.

"What?" Hermione asked as they fell.

"Let! Go!" Harry, Hermione and the young Weasleys crash to the ground with a thump. Arthur, Amos and Cedric come down more gracefully.

"I bet that cleared your sinuses eh?"

Cedric helps Harry to his feet. "Thanks."

They walked across the field and saw a massive crowd gathered and cheering, tents are set up all over. "Well kids, welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!"

"Harry!" Harry turned around just in time to be tackled.

"Olivia!" The two sibling hugged tightly. "I missed you!" They rocked back and forth.

"I missed you too!" They finally let go. Snape nodded at the other two males. Harry and Olivia held hands as they walk into the crowd, taking in the sights.

Music is playing and people fly about overhead on brooms. They approach a small tent. "Parting of the waves I think old chap, see you at the match." Amos and Cedric separate and walk off.

"See ya later Cedric." Harry smiled over to the older boy.

"Home sweet home." They all walked into a small tent.

The inside is many times bigger than the outside. "Girls. Choose a bunk and unpack. Ron, get out of the kitchen we're all hungry."

"Yeah get out of the kitchen Ron." The twins said together. Olivia laughed at them. They sent a sweet smile back at her.

"Feet off the table."

"Feet off the table." They take their feet off the table and put them back on as soon as Arthur has walked past.

"I love magic." Harry smiled to his sister. The Weasleys, Harry, and Olivia find their seats.

"Blimey Dad, how far up ARE we?" Ron asked his dad but Olivia paid no mind. Lucius and Draco are walked below them.

"Well put it this way, if it rains... you'll be the first to know." Olivia waved at Draco.

"Father and I are in the minister's box, by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself."

"Don't boast Draco. There's no need with these people. Do enjoy yourself won't you. While you can." They left and Draco waved goodbye to Olivia.

The ceremonies began. Balloons flew and fireworks went off. "Come on up, take your seats. I told you these seats would be worth waiting for." Olivia watched at the teams came out.

"Come on!"

"It's the Irish!" Five green and white figures fly through the air on their brooms leaving a colored trail behind them. A glittering leprechaun appeared in the sky and started dancing. Everyone was excited. "Here come the Bulgarians!"

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