I had to leave school with a weapon in hands to show the police. Alexa and Leni came following me tried multiple times to remove the weapon so I wouldn't have any evidence of their crimes. I smirked darkly and Alexa tried to claw at me but Erik appeared quickly. Her own brother came to defend me? Maybe she went to far and he didn't like it? Maybe. Leni rushed to me but I quickly punched him.

He being so small and cute I couldn't resist it. I could only dodge and punch but since a week ago my body changed by a lot. I don't mean to be rude but I changed so fucking much that I couldn't even recognize myself. I was fat. I had A sized boobs. My but was basically flat. I looked fat. The end. I did lots of excercise for so many years and nothing. I ate so much healthy food and nothing. Last week. My body jumped to one weight to another. I weighed almost 200pounds know I weight what 100pounds. Maybe less. I haven't weighed myself too afraid to do it.

My chest is a DD. My ass is well formed I have amazing curves. My face is thinner. Not even that my skin is smooth and I am a bit paler. Like I changed so fucking much I can't understand it. Something happened that night but I can't remember. I need to find Ash or Kane or whatever is his real name. He was the last person I remember I just hope he didn't drug me and took me to some lab to look so different.

I grabbed the broken tube of the gate and raised myself up. Climbing with one arm. Jumping to the other side fast. I did the military solute but with two fingers as I started running. I had entered the University to hide. My phone was dead so I had to let it charge. I need it in 100% to take pictures and videos. Just for in case.

I layed down and rest a bit. My heart for some odd reason is beating too loud and its painful. I took deep breaths I felt so calm seeing just darkness my breathing was slow but I could feel eyes on me so I opened my eyes gently. A little girl. Her small hand outstretched to something so I followed it. The candy bar I had must have slipped out a little. I chuckled and I fixed myself as I pulled it out.

The little girl looks afraid and looks around I felt confused so I outstretched the candy bar. She looks at me with big eyes and I could see through the reflexion that my own eyes are pure red. My blood ran cold but I stayed calm to not scare the little girl.

"You can have it..." My voice soft as I insisted

She gently but trembling grabs it and she runs of giggling in joy. I sighed out and touched my stomach. I wish I can have a child. I snapped out of it and checked my phone. Its already in a 100% and its 6:48pm. My eyes wide open as I realized I slep for two hours almost three. What the hell? But I just closed my eyes. I stood up removed my charger placing it on my bag as I placed my phone in the front pockets of my jacket.

I ran out the University was a bit empty as the night class comes in know. Classes started so I have to run she must have given up on me by know. There was a University opening. Something about it attracted me but I saw a woman angry at something so I saw a snake all stretched so I looked at it. Everyone was ignoring the issue of a python in the room. It was big but not huge like Python normally grow.

I held it and in its mouth there was a sharp object so I used my hands and I removed the object. The woman was nagging in the background but I could feel how worried she was. The snake bit down but I hissed in pain but it was ok. I was helping it. I won't die. It would just get infected thats all. It was a piece of glass.

"How did it get into its mouth?" I muttered out as I stared at the thick object

"Someone fed him and I didn't mind because he doesn't hurt anybody but I see that they wanted to hurt him on purpose" she mutters out the snake unlatches from my hand as he slithered to the woman "I see your willingness... My name is Veronika owner of the most prestige Vet school in all states..."

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