Chapter 26 (Wishful Thinking)

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(Heya everyone! its been a while! Thank you for all so much for your support and patience. Once again I hope you all enjoy this chapter and thank you all again for taking the time to read my little story, you're all really just, so incredible)

(Nobody's POV)
Elijah sat at his window, watching...waiting.

Three nights a week, on the same days, in the dead of night, Y/n's figure would appear, gliding between the trees elegantly, dancing in the gentle autumn breeze, down the street and around the corner, before disappearing completely, without a trace.

Every one of these nights, Elijah would sit at that window and watch her as she went on her way to...where? He had no clue.

Feeling it wasn't any of his business, and being fearful of the response, he never brought it up with her. Instead he looked on anxiously as the seemingly fragile, innocent girl, made her way through the night as if she belonged there, among the stars.

He found the scene so..hauntingly beautiful. She looked almost weightless in the way she moved, whirling around, dipping side to side, as if the light breeze in the air were strong enough to guide her movements, simply stringing her along, like the autumn leaves, twirling gracefully in the wind, they seemed to dance right alongside her.

The way the moonlight bathed the night in a cool...yet comforting glow. With her hood draped over her face, she seemed to take the form of a wandering spirit, mysterious, mystical, eerily magnificent.

The time she'd go out would differ, so he'd often sit there for a considerably long time before she'd actually appear, not wanting to miss her. Now he was sat at his window once again, earphones in, his eyes scanning the streets for any sign of movement, passing the time by creating scenes in his mind, little stories with the music and the world acting as partners.

Admittedly, every single one of those scenes included himself...and Y/n. Dancing, laughing, smiling. He often pictured the two of them racing down that street, bare essentials in hand, to a new place, away from here, where no-one would ever be able to hurt her again.

They could get a job together, find a small place to stay...maybe one of those community living spaces? They could go backpacking, living only on what they needed.

He could build things up over time, provide for her, protect her, give her all she could ever want...ever need. She'd be far away from him, he could take care of her.

Someday, he'd buy her the most extravagant house, with the most breathtaking garden. She'd have maids to do everything for her...she'd never have to lift a finger if she didn't want to....

He'd take her on every adventure she could ever dream of.

She'd be free...happy.

She'd always have a choice.

Suddenly, Elijah was pulled from his thoughts as a figure in the night caught his eye. He shot up from his slumped position with wide eyes, his heart constricting in his chest, heat immediately rising to his cheeks.

She bounded down the street, weightless. Elijah quickly rushed to open his window, sitting on his knees, watching in utter bewilderment.

Suddenly...she stopped, making Elijah's breathing hitch. Wondering if she'd perhaps caught sight of him, he quickly hid from her view, still watching nervously from the sidelines.

Her delicate hands crept upwards, her fingers wrapping around the fabric of her hood, pulling it off, allowing soft locks of her h/l, h/c hair to spill out and over her eyes. She looked up at the sky, completely still, the light breeze blowing through her hair.

She then wrapped her arms around herself, looking down at the ground. Elijah unconsciously leaned forward, his green eyes soft, and curious.

Straightening, Y/n's arms slipped back to her sides, her one hand disappearing from his line of sight before reappearing, her phone in hand. He leaned forward even further.

She stood there in the dead of night, typing away on the small screen, Elijah couldn't help but wonder if he was going to text, him....She was outside his house after all, she probably knew that. Perhaps she wanted to check if he was up? Then again, she could just look up and see his desk lamp was still on.

A sharp vibration snapped Elijah back to reality. A deep blush immediately spread across his face as he frantically scrambled for his phone.

getting a hold on the device, he opened up the message. Upon reading the message his blush only deepened, his heart stopping for a moment, a soft gasp leaving him.

"Elijah, you aren't very good at hiding"

Elijah wondered how to respond to the text, clearly he'd been caught, playing dumb wouldn't help the situation. He made his way back over to his window, his breath hitching, they were quite a ways away from each other and yet she stared him dead in the eyes, he could feel it.

With a gulp he typed back.

"Haha, ok, you got me" not knowing how else to respond. He felt anxious, and ashamed.

"Im sorry" he added, staring at the phone screen rather than holding her gaze.

"Don't be sorry" she replied, he could swear he heard her soft giggle in the distance, calming his nerves slightly. Just then, those three dots appeared, and his heart leaped once more, his anxious hands shaky.

"Hey....come here"

His eyes widened, jumping up, he bit his lip, weighing the options.....

"Yeah, be there in a sec"

With that, Elijah ran over to his bed, trying to create some sort of makeshift figure under the sheets with pillows and other items, just incase his mom decided to check up on him. Knowing how exhausted she'd be from working late, he knew the odds of that were slim, but better safe than sorry.

Grabbing his shoes and slipping them on, he made his way from his bedroom to his front door, hopping and tripping over himself as he went.

Eventually, he stood there, hand on that door handle.

He took in a deep breath, turning the knob, and pushing the door open. Immediately his gaze fixated on the figure standing across the street. Her hair lightly flowing in the autumn breeze.
Under the light of the moon, she seemed to have this, heavenly aura surrounding her, this, otherworldly kind of glow, like she didn't really belong here, in this world.

He stepped out into the night, locking the front door behind him with the spare key his mother kept hidden under their welcome mat. Walking across the street, his heart pounded in his chest, he's been wanting to confront her on this for as long as he's known her.

"H-hey" he muttered softly, running his fingers through his hair, his other hand shoved into his pocket.

With a soft giggle, she replied with a gentle "Hi" rocking back and forth on her feet.

There was a minute of unsure silence before she spoke again.

" long have you been watching me?"

Elijah's blush returned tenfold "Wh-, a guess....a while?" he sputtered out, chuckling nervously.

"I was....." he frowned softly, "I was, just...really worried...a-about you."

Her eyes widened slightly, a light blush creeping up onto her cheeks.

"I am....really worried about you....Y/n, what are you doing out here?

Staring at him for some time, she thought about her next move, wondering what the best choice would be. ".....Elijah" she sighed, holding out her hand for him to take.

"Follow me, and I'll show you" she almost whispered, her eyes sparkling, the night sky captured in them perfectly.

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