Hey! I got tagged

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I got tagged by DepressedElliott

I got tagged by DepressedElliott

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1. No, I don't talk to them anymore (he was more of a friend then a boyfriend)

2. Playing cards

3. I fell out of my chair that's the only thing I remember...

4. No

5. Air

6. Nothing except the picture I saw from my friends tag ( the one who tagged me)

7. Uh... I don't really feel like checking...

8. I'm lactose intolerant

9. No, it's way to long and my family won't let me cut it shorter...

10. Sometimes

11. No... I don't even leave my house...

12. No

13. Nothing right now because I'm getting ready for school

14. I only been in the one I live in but I hope one day, to go to Ireland

15. No, my dad is as laid back as a carpet

16. No

17. No, not that I know of

18. I don't know

19. There is no hot topics were I live (no one is emo or goth)

20. Yes, I accidentally broke there nose after they punched me (I still feel bad)

21. Noooo, nooot at allllllll

22. No, but I'm probably gonna get one when I'm 18

23. ??? It's 2d, but I got it off google I'm pretty sure

24. Yes

25. Yes, but I got grounded

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