The Sleepover of Doom Pt. 3

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Peter had already finished their robot without the help of Flash. Instead of standing next to his bully for another twenty-five minutes, he decided to go and talk with Bruce and see what he was working on. "What're you working on Uncle Bruce?" Peter asked quietly so no one would here him except his Uncle.

"Just reviewing some of the tech used on the Hulk if he goes on a rampage and no one can calm him down." Bruce sighed sadly at the thought.

"Peter, stop bothering Dr. Banner!" Mrs. Mane. yelled at him, "go and help your partner finish up the robot." She told him.

"We finished already, Mrs. Mane." Peter explained.

She just glared at him and Peter told Bruce he'd talk to him later. He went back and stood by Flash who continued to make fun of him. Peter just tuned him out and listened to his music.

That's when Flash noticed the ear plugs. He did nothing.

For now.

After everyone else finished the robots were tested. Peter's and Flash's robot came in first. MJ and Ned's came in second. And a group with the people that had come in fourth and fifth on the test, came in third.

"Okay everyone, it's now time for lunch!" Melony said leading them to the cafeteria. They all got in line to order. The menu for today consisted of garlic bread, salad, and pizza. Peter got all two of all three choices because, high metabolism and all.

He sat down with Ned and MJ at a table in the corner. He had his back to everyone. He listened to Ned ramble on and on about how great the tour, he's been on multiple times, was. He was so invested in his food that he didn't notice Flash coming up behind him until his Spider Sense warned him a moment to late.

Flash grabbed Peter's ear plugs and ripped them out of his ears. Peter went to grab his arm, just missing Flash as he jumped away. "What are these, Parker? Hearing aids?" He laughed before dropping them on the ground and crushing them with his foot. Peter got an alert from Karen on his sunglasses telling him the ear pieces were no longer connected. No duh, Karen. No duh.

Instead of doing something Peter just turned back around and continued eating. The noise in the cafeteria became much louder. He usually tried to remove them in a quiet area so it wouldn't be such a large shock to his enhanced hearing. This was a crowded cafeteria full of noise making him flinch. Constantly.

Flash noticed, "what's wrong Penis? Oh wait, you probably can't hear me!" He laughed obnoxiously. Before returning to his lone table, he dumped the remnants of my ear buds onto my food.


Peter could already feel a huge migraine forming. He decided to try and sneak away to go get another pair.

He quickly told Ned and MJ what he was doing and they said they'd cover for him.

He quickly started towards the private elevator that would take him to the Avengers living quarters and main living space. This took up four floors in total.

Sadly he felt his spidey sense go off and then Mrs. Mane was in front of him. Damn, he was so close. "Where do you think you're going, Mr. Parker?" She glared down at him. Her terribly pointy red heels made her a few inches taller than him.

"To the bathroom?" He basically asked, his lying skills weren't that good.

He had such a huge headache at this point, he didn't need another stressful and loud encounter.

"The bathroom is in the other direction," Mrs. Mane pointed behind him to the other end of the cafeteria. "I thought you of all people would know at least that much." She smirked at him.

Peter Parker field trips to SI and Avengers Compound!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang