Chapter One

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Hi, I'm Juliet Grey. My friends call me Julie though. Right now I'm on the back porch smoking a cigerette while group chating my best friends Cassie and Andy. I'm the only one awake, which is good cause my brothers would kill me if they knew I smoked.
Troublesome Trio😘
Yo bishes whats up
Smokin a 🚬
Ug that things gonna kill you
Andy pls shut up
I just ran out😣

I heard the slide door open and froze. I turned to see Justin looking at me and sighed. I knew Jacob would go easy.
Jacob shook his head. "Jules are you serious?"
"Yeah?" it came out more of a question then a statement.
"I guess I can't say anything cause we all knew I was doin' it at fourteen." he joked bitterly. Jacob is what you call a bad boy. He dropped out two years ago, but Xavier, our older brother, forced him to go back. I kinda feel guilty cause Jacob always feels like a bad influence on me.
"So what are you doing up so early?" I ask. I put out my cancer stick, because it feels uncomfortable smoking around him.
"I heard you getting ready for school so I thought I'd get ready too, but then I saw what time it was. Do you do this every morning?" he explains.
I look down at the ground.
"Please don't tell the others." I beg.
He grabs my chin. "Look at me Jules, you shouldn't smoke but I'm not going to tell the others. Just- just don't get caught." he says looking into my big blue eyes. "Just be nice to me or else I'll tell the others." he adds.
I giggle at his goofy smile. Leave it to him to find a way to make me laugh when I'm feeling guilty.
"Oh, just to let you know, your not a bad influence." i say going back to my phone. He just rolls his eyes and lights a cigerette and I light another.

Troublesome Trio🔫
Good u don't need them
Ugh! Ur so boring Andy!
I'm just tryna keep u alive
Anyways... R y'all comin to the Smith's party tonight
Good what bout u Julie?
Julie where'd u go
Sry Jacob came out
Omg! Did u get in trouble?!
Let me see if Jacob will let me go

I look up from my phone and look at Jacob. As if he knew i was staring at him he looked up from his phone.
"What do you want from me now?" he asks.
"Well the Smith twins are kinda having a party tonight." I state. He stiffens at the mention of Smith twins and party. "And I was kinda wondering if maybe I could possibly go?"
"No!" he says "You know the rules Jules. No parties."
I roll my eyes at this. I'm sixteen and I'm barley allowed to go out to Cassie's or Andy's house. And I've known them since first grade.
"But Jacob please. I'm sixteen now and I can take care of myself!" I whine.
"No means no. Now don't ask again." he growls out. I stop for a moment, breathless. He never acts this way around me and I'm kinda scared.
"F-fine. But can I at least stay the night at Cassie's?" I ask.
He looks at me suspiciously.
"Sure. Now go get ready I'm gonna wake our brothers up."
I do as he says and run up the stairs to my bedroom. Once I'm in my room I take out my phone.
Troublesome Trio🔫
He said no but I'm still going
U go girl

I laugh at Andy and her goody two-shoe persona.


    Once we (Jacob, James, Rigel, and I) get to school I quickly get jumped by the girls

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Once we (Jacob, James, Rigel, and I) get to school I quickly get jumped by the girls. The guys look at me getting crushed in a hug and laugh. I just stick my tongue out.
"Wow so mature." Rigel teases.
The girls let go and I can finally breath again. We all laugh.
"We're gonna head to class." I tell my brothers.
"Stay out of trouble!" James yells after me.
"No promises." I yell back. I hear Andy snicker and Cassie giggle.
Once we're far from the boys Cassie speaks up. "Whats the plan?"
"I asked Jacob if I could stay over at your house tonight and he said yes." I tell her.
"So we're getting ready at Cassie's?" Andy asks.
"Yep." Cassie says. "What time are you coming over?"
"Around five." I say.
"Okay I'll be ready." she tells me. We look at Andy.
She sighs. "I'll be there." Me and Cassie squel.
First, second, and third period were boring, like always. Now I'm walking to lunch.
"Juliet! Hey! Wait up!" Adrian Smith yells at me from behind.
Oh god hopefully my brothers aren't around. "H-hey Adrian." I say nervously, looking around for my brothers.
"Are you coming to the party tonight?" he asks.
"Yeah. Oh but you can't tell anyone, I don't have permission." I tell him.
"Oh okay." he responds with a smile.
"Juliet you know the rules and I'm afraid you do to Smith." we hear the voice of my favorite brunet brother, Jacob. And he doesn't sound happy.
We turn around and I see the fear in Adrian's face. Well he's gonna be no help. I mean I guess I understand, just like my other brothers, Jacob is built strong and fit. I guess the tattoos and peircing is even more intimidating.
"Oh hey Jacob." I say. "Me and Adrian were just talking about this history project we were assigned partners for in second period. That's not a problem, is it?" I pull the innocent act and lie.
"I guess not...but only if it's for a project." he confirmed. I quickly nodded. "Alright lets get to lunch."
And so we went. I mean I'm not gonna complain, I'm starving. Once we reach the cafeteria, Jacob pulls me toward our brothers and the girls.
"Hey what took you so long?" Rigel asks.
I gulp. "I was talking to my history partner about our project."
"Here let me go get your lunch." James says as he stands up with Justin and walks toward the lunch line.
The rest of lunch break was awkward for me. I didn't feel good, I think it was because I've never lied to Justin so much.
"You okay girl?" Cassie asks as she applies make up to her face. We are currently in her room getting ready for the party.
"Yeah." I say getting my clothes on.
"Oh my god Andy!" Cassie squels. "You look awesome!"
And she wasn't lying. I don't know how Andy does it, honestly she should be a make up artist and hair artist.
"So do you guys!" her face going red. Andy hates it when she gets complimented.
"Andromeda Steele! You look way better! Now lets go!" Cassie yells.
Oh lord. Tonight's gonna be a long night. I laugh at my best friends and grab my bag.
"Lets get fucking wasted bitches!" Cassie screams as I get info her car. She then speeds down the road.

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