Chapter 1: The break up

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I am so sorry; I don't think i can do this anymore. We are not progressing and i just think I have to figure myself before going off to college.

It was a message from my boyfriend of over three years.

I read it a couple of more times trying to get the hang of it but every time I did it did not seem right to me. I was ready to give my innocence to this guy, I thought we had something and we were going somewhere but I guess I was wrong. How could someone fool another person just like that is everyone in my life just that cruel?

This guy just used me to earn a place at the adults' table in my father's company for his summer internship. There was no way I was going to be able to withdraw the offer, my father would never allow me to, he was a man who did not mix personal life with the business at the firm. Above all we didn't get along, he never loved me even after all I had done to try and get his attention.

That is why a lot of people do not commit themselves into a relationship because disappointments always follow and this was that moment for me in my life. He didn't even have the decency as a normal human being to break up with me in person; he had just broken up with me through a message on my Facebook profile page. There were a lot of outrageous comments. How could he do that?

I really thank the sudden passing of my great grandpa; I could not go to prom night because of it. I was planning on giving that guy my cookie. Not that it is a great thing that my great grandpa passed on but it saved me lots of regrets and permanent damage.

At this moment i need something to help me steam off and there was nothing better than alcohol. My parent would never allow me to do so but I was now an adult, I have every right to make my own choices.

I went to my walk in wardrobe and searched through my many dresses for a dress that was best suited for this event. I took out a Giorgio Armani dress my mother got me when she went to Paris two months ago. I paired it with my five inch Versace heels. I went out of my room and moved down the stairs at high speed. My mother really hated it when I did that, she always said that a lady should move with composure but I always went against her words whenever I could.

"Madam, where are you going this late it's close to your dinner time. You know that your mother does not like it when you miss family dinner," Miss Martins said.

She has been my nanny and one of our oldest helps for as long as I could remember. She was technically my mother since she was the one who took care of me almost all my life especially times when my mother was away on her business meetings. I was a reserved person but I felt that at other times I could open up Miss Martins and now was one of those times.

"I need to cool off, Mark called things off with me and I need to get my mind of him" I told her.

I felt a stream of tears fall of my cheek. Nothing embarrassed me more than crying, my mother had a way of telling me that it showed that you were weak and I was not confident about showing how weak I was especially to our help.

"Okay, go on, I will cover for you but keep safe. I do not want to regret this." She told me before going back to her chores.

I took my car keys from the key bowel, my parents got me a Porsche for my nineteenth birthday and I was going out with it today.

I had never been to a club but today I was going to see how it goes on down there, as they say there is first time for everything and today was one of those days. The lighting in the club was low and that made it a bit interesting. I stepped on the dance floor gracefully. Even after being raised by strict parents like mine I had my own secret talent which was dancing. I felt a wave of excitation pass through my body as I twisted and turned on the dance floor covered with people as if I possessed it.

I bumped into someone and when I turned around it was my childhood rival Crystal Kent. This was not a rivalry that had begun with us, it goes back to about two generations ago, it was a business rivalry and we were both victims of it.

"Watch it, you do not own the dance floor" she slammed at me.

I almost lost my sanity when I noticed her hands intertwined with none other than my boyfriend, no former boyfriend Mark. How could I have missed this part of the equation, she has always wanted everything that I owned and Mark was no exception. Even when we were young every time my parents got me a new toy she made sure she got one exactly the same. Even when it came to clothes, she was a copycat, how could this surprise me.

I swear that at that moment my heart missed a beat.

"Hey Kim, how have you been? Oh meet my boyfriend Mark, oops you know each other" she said.

I felt a sharp arrow pierce through my heart.

"Stop it Cee, let us go no need to cause a scene" Mark said.

I was so hurt when he turned his back without even acknowledging my existence was I even anything to him in the first place or was I just his gate pass to a greater future and now that he had gotten the opportunity I was nothing.

I went to the bar and bought different types of shots, I could hardly believe that this could happen.

"Miss, take it slow" the bartender told me.

I was in no state to listen to anyone. I could hardly recall the number of shots I took, but what I do know is I was in no condition to drive, but today I was going to break every rule there was and no one was going to stop me.

I got the keys to my car from the valet and drove my car at maximum speed. Suddenly everything went dark when I came to a curve and I do not remember what happened next.

The next thing I remember was waking up in the hospital with life support machines surrounding me. 

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