"What the hell am I going to do now?" I whispered.

I told you it was her. Now we have a serious problem.

Shut the hell up, Mark.

Your POV: Present. . .

"Us?" I asked. "No, you are not me." I shook my head.

"You are both wrong and correct." She sighed. "I am the memory Anti killed." She looked to the ground.

"Why did you lie to him?" I whispered. "He loved you." I shouted.

"I loved him with every bone in my body. I couldn't hurt him." She cried.

"You ended up hurting him anyway." I retorted.

"No, you don't understand yet." She whispered.

"What do I not understand?" I walked towards her. The sky roared. Colors flashed into view.

"Make me a promise." She said quickly. "Hurry."

"Okay. What? What promise?" I asked.

"Promise me you won't trust her. You shouldn't trust her. Only trust Anti. No one else." She cried. Lightning struck again, but it struck her. She smiled and disappeared into the beautiful light.

"Who is she?" I asked out loud.

For the first time, I woke up on my own. I opened my eyes and got blinded by a bright ray of sunlight. I started to move, but felt an arm around my body. I looked over my shoulder and saw a sleeping Anti. My heart stopped, and I smiled.

He looked so calm. So collected. He was different. I couldn't imagine how this man could be a heartless demon. I laid back down and gently stroked his arm. His skin was cold.

He moved his leg around my body, trapping me. His face moved to my neck. His nose rubbed against my ear.

"You are trapped." He whispered. I turned to face him. His green hair was tangled. His green eyes watched my every move. His lips shifted slightly. I ran my fingers through his hair. He smiled at my touch. He grabbed my hand and brought it to his lips. He gently kissed it, not breaking eye contact.

"You are adorable." I smiled.

"Yer gorgeous." He whispered. His arms wrapped around my body and pulled me even closer to him. He kissed me.

It was a sweet, tender kiss. He wrapped his arms around my back, trying not to travel. My hands went to his stomach. I could feel his abs. It sent heat to my cheeks.

What does he look like shirtless?

He snickered to himself. I leaned my head to his chest and laughed. I kept forgetting he could read my thoughts. He held me against him.

"We are going to be late for breakfast." I whispered. I slowly sat up, but he grabbed me and pinned me to the ground.

My back hit the ground, and I winced. Still sore. He sat on my hips and held my wrists above my head. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks again. I struggled to move from under his weight. He leaned down and kissed me. I kissed him back, but I pushed him off gently. He looked angry. He fell to my right and stared at me.

"Anti, we have to get ready." I smiled. He rolled his eyes and let me get up.

"Why? Dark is going to want a rematch." He said annoyed.

"Damn. I don't want to go back to the dungeons." I laughed.

"You almost killed him." Anti smiled.

Last kNight (Antisepticeye X Reader) {UNDER EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now