c h a p t e r - s i x

Start from the beginning

"Be down in the living space at seven or I'll personally get Natasha to kick your ass for me." Tony said once more as he began to walk out, but not before saying one last thing to a extremely aggravated Steve. "Loosen up Rogers you need it."

Steve let out a shaky breath as he watched Tony walk away, disappearing from sight as he rounded a corner down the compound hall. Steve pushed himself off from the table as he slowly picked up the discarded papers strewn across the table in disarray. As he picked up the different file worksheets from the HYDRA Research Compound, his hands found a sheet with what he guessed to be Violeta with Wanda and Pietro.

The photograph was of three young children standing together smiling widely at the camera. A man and women who looked all too much like Violeta stood behind them with smiles of their own adoring their faces, and Steve felt his eyes narrow at the seemingly normal picture of a family.

"JARVIS, look up Stark Industries casualties."

"I'm sorry Captain Rogers, but those files are no longer accessible. Would you like me to contact Mr. Stark for you?"

"No JARVIS, thank you."

"My pleasure."

Steve put the photograph back into the folder along with the rest of the file worksheets. He then walked out of the meeting room, deciding that he should let his mind clear and get ready for the party. He could already feel the tension begin to grow in his shoulders from the thought of being at the social gathering consisting of expensive alcohol and fancy music. Steve continued on his path towards his compound, contemplating on just letting Natasha kick his ass because it would be less painful than putting up a facade the whole time. But when does Steve Rogers, even more so Captain America get what he wants? That's a question to still be unanswered.


Steve was finally able to get his mind off the previous mission long enough to let the slightest hint of comfort back into his shoulders. He had a few drinks but not enough to create even the slightest buzz, although he was more at ease than before. The party was uneventful, at least for him. He did get the chance to talk to a few old friends and even found Sam in the cluster of rich businessmen and women.

Which is where he finds himself now, Thor on his right as he hands Steve yet another flask which doesn't so much as affect him in the slightest but he still sips at it for good measure. The crowd had dispersed until it consisted of the main crew. Barton had developed a theory that Mjolnir wasn't at all what Thor made it out to be. Which turned into to a full blown banter about the hammer that made Steve sit back and watch in amusement.

"But it's a trick." Barton says to Thor while dragging out his words, chopsticks dancing around his fingers on both hands impressively, Maria transfixed on the motion.

"No, no. It's much more than that." Thor said gruffly with a smirk upon his face. Steve brought the bottle to his lips and took a small sip, taking down the liquid as his eyes stay on Barton as he sat up suddenly.

"Ah, whosoever be he worthy shall haveth the power." Barton spoke in a similar accent to Thor's, voice dropping an octave as his hands stopped the twirling motion with the chopsticks as he emphasized his words. "Whatever, man! It's a trick."
Steve shook his head at Bartons bluntness, chuckling under his breathe.

Thor motioned towards the hammer resting on the table and spoke, "Well please be my guest."

Everyone went silent as they awaited Barton to do something, but he only darted his gaze from the hammer to Thor dumbfounded. Steve scooted towards the edge of his seat as he watched Barton raise an eyebrow in question.

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