c h a p t e r - t h r e e

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Violeta stayed put in the corner, observing everyone and their thoughts as they found themselves clouding her mind

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Violeta stayed put in the corner, observing everyone and their thoughts as they found themselves clouding her mind. Everyone was on edge and more so than ever compared to when she had walked into the room. A nagging feeling began to surface that something was about to happen, and it kept growing the longer she stayed put in the corner.

She thought about the Avengers, and had only heard mere stories about them. She hasn't seen any of them before in person as she has never been five feet outside of boundaries. Though if she ever does encounter them she would without a doubt know exactly who they are. That's a big if.

What brought her out of her thoughts was Strucker, and he seemed to slowly drift towards a door before completely disappearing from sight. Violeta immediately stood up, wondering where he could be going as no where else was safe.

She began walking, and no one seemed to even comprehend she was there so without second guessing she was following Strucker. She found herself walking down a corridor of sorts, not a single soul present in the narrow passage. She could feel him close to her, so she followed her instincts and continued walking, her boots clicking against the pavement. Her eyes searched for any sign of Strucker, but she found absolutely nothing. As she was about to continue down the long hallway, she jumped at the sudden sound of glass shattering from the room she was at only seconds ago.

Gunshots began to sound in the silent building and she was rushing towards the headquarters without a second thought. Just as she was back at the door leading into the colossal room, the gunshots ceased and the dull sound of whirring filled her ears. Her eyes turned to a violet shade, fingers dancing in a lavender aurora as she prepared to take down any enemy before her.

Taking hesitant steps, her eyes took in the men from before laying on the ground, some groaning in pain and others ... not so much. A blast was heard from her right followed by the sound of a man yelling and body collapsing. Her feet carefully carried her towards the noise, and she found herself meters away from a man walking around the room, and body like machine moving on its own, hand out emitting a white ray of light with a dull whirring sounding in her ears.

"Okay Jarvis, you know I want it all." The man said while walking towards a range of computers, the man that was talking to Strucker from before on the ground, unconscious. "Make sure you copy Hill at HQ."

He began typing on the keyboard quickly, different tabs popping up on the computers. The iron machine didn't seem to notice her sulking behind him, and she continued to watch him without any sense of her present. The room was seemingly dark and she couldn't make out his face, the darkness contrasting away his features.

"I know your hiding more than files." He spoke to himself while turning around to look in her - well the machines direction. "AJ give me a IR scan of the room."

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