Chapter Twenty-One: You

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Erec stumbled back a few steps when Jake nailed him in the face. He clutched his nose and I gasped when I saw blood dripping from his fingers. I was out of the car in an instant. And so was Alise. I hadn't realized she was there, but she got to the two guys before I could. She was throwing her hands up in the air, probably questioning what Jake was thinking, and not pleased with his answer. I dashed over to Jake and started pushing him back, away from Erec. I was so scared he'd punch Erec again, and I was terrified Erec would retaliate. The last thing I needed was a hurt boyfriend. A hurt ex, I could handle.

I had to admit, it was nice to see Erec in pain. Maybe that sounds twisted, but after all the heartache he'd caused me, especially after coming back like this, it felt nice to see him hurting too. Even if it wasn't in the same way I'd hurt. And at the same time, I was proud of Jake. I was proud to call him mine. My heart was about to burst with pride and happiness when I thought about how he'd done that for me. Erec would never had done that.

My mom wasn't home, and neither was my dad, but I pushed everyone inside and got a washcloth for Erec's bleeding nose. It was swelling fast.

Jake hasn't said anything since he'd talked to Alise. He hadn't even looked at me. There was something in his eyes, smothered by the blank expression on his face. Something I couldn't read. But I didn't have time to worry about it, because I was distracted by Erec's babbling.

"Oh Amy. I'm so sorry! I came to apologize and I really wanted to talk to you about everything that happened. But then that... well, he busted me in the nose and I don't know what to say. I'm just so sorry for everything! I was going to bring flowers, and say this without people around and everything but then I got punched in the face and I'm so sorry and-"

Alise threw me a look that said, "Who the heck is this creep?" and I finally had to break into his rant.

"Erec. Shut up. You deserved to be punched in the face. You're just lucky Jake was the one to do it, because I wouldn't have stopped there." My temper was boiling over the top. "You're a jerk. Or at least you were. And maybe you have changed, but you don't have a chance with me. Not anymore. And if you really have changed, you'll accept that and leave me alone." I paused. "Go home Erec. Find another girl. Be happy. But... leave me alone. Please. I'm happy with Jake. He's treating me how I need to be treated. So let me go. Move on." I smiled sympathetically. "That's the best thing you can do."

The room got quiet. Erec stared at me blankly for a few seconds before he managed to swallow bravely and nod. "Okay." was all he said. And that was all he needed to say.

Erec left pretty quickly after that. Once we got him some ice and Jake muttered an apology, he called his dad (Who had been the one to drive him up here) and, twenty-five minutes later, Erec was gone. The room felt strangely... quiet, without him. Alise mumbled something about expecting a call and rushed out of the room. It was a second before I turned to look at Jake. He was still avoiding my eyes. I couldn't read his expression.

"Jake..." I started. "I just... I don't know what to say..." I sighed.

"You're disappointed in me, aren't you?" he muttered, kicking the floor with the toe of his shoe and still not looking up.

"What?" I sputtered. The idea of me being disappointed was just... crazy! What was Jake thinking? I opened my mouth to ask him that, but he looked up, and my heart skipped a beat. Or maybe it just stopped beating.

Jake, was crying. Not sobbing and barely able to breathe, but still. There were tears in his eyes. And he looked so... lost. I didn't see Jake like this very often. And when I did, I knew things were bad. In fact, the last time I'd seen Jake act like this, was whenever Alise was first going through her brain tumor ordeal.

So naturally, I started to get nervous.

"You're disappointed in me. I just know it. I lost my temper, and I went off and punched someone. What if he'd punched me back? I would've gotten "hurt" and you would be upset and I'd be even more mad because you were upset, and it just would've sucked. And I shouldn't have done that. But I just can't stand the thought of losing you! Amy, what if you chose Erec? What if you chose him, and left me? Maybe I'm being stupid, but I just... I couldn't take that. And-"

Before Jake could say another word, I wrapped my arms around his waist and held on tight. He hesitated for a second, and then hugged me back. But he was still tense. So I looked up at him, my chin on his chest, and tried to blink back the tears forming in my eyes.

"Jake." he closed his eyes, as if preparing himself for the worst. "No Jake, look at me. Please." I didn't go on until he opened his eyes. "I'm not mad, or disappointed in you. I don't know where you even got that idea! I'm proud of you. Because I know you did that for me. It shows me how much you care. And... Oh Jake, there is no way I would ever leave you. Especially not for Erec. You should know that. My heart, is yours. Erec... I don't care about him. I don't love him. I love you. And I don't plan on that ever changing."

Pretty mushy, I knew. But I meant it. Every word. And by the look in his eyes, and the way he kissed me right after I finished talking, I knew he understood. And I knew he felt the same way. And that was enough, and more.

Jake left with Alise after we said our goodbyes and I sat down on the couch, dazed. I'd gone from happy, to upset, to happy, then happier, to confused and angry, and finally, I was more happy and in love than I'd started out being, if that was even possible. And now, I couldn't stop smiling. But I also had a headache.

I sat there for a while, touching my lips and smiling at the memory of his kiss. And then I snapped out of my trance when I heard the first few drops of rain on the roof. It was always raining here. Or at least that's what it seemed like. And I loved it.

I ran through the house, suddenly hyper, dashing up and down the stairs too many times to count and sliding into rooms to grab things here and there. After a few minutes, I literally jumped back on the couch and let out a big breath. My sudden zap of energy was officially... gone.

I pushed play on the remote and snuggled into my quilt, my head resting on an arm of our couch like a pillow. When "Cyberbully" came on, I smiled and just watched the movie. it was an ABC Family Movie and it never failed to make me cry. Jake always made fun of me for it, but whenever I dared him to watch it and not cry, he always had an excuse to mumble.

By the end of the movie, I had cried. More than once. And I was trying so hard to fall asleep, but I couldn't. I could never fall asleep during a movie. The second it was over? Sure. While the credits were still rolling? Nope. Wasn't I lucky?

So I turned off the TV, put my earphones in, and pushed play on my iPod. Little Moments by Brad Paisley came on and I closed my eyes and just smiled. This was another song that Jake said reminded him of me.

The rain kept coming down, and even though I could barely hear it now, I soon drifted off the sleep with the sound of it hitting the roof, and the music in my ears. And it felt like everything, was perfect.

"What's meant to be will always find a way"

- Trisha Yearwood

Well, there's another chapter for you all! Umm... it looks like this book is coming to its end... I'm guessing another two chapters maybe? But don't be sad(: Cause I'll make the ending good! And be sure to check out my other stories, "Gwen" and "Play For My Heart." I haven't worked on them as much as this one, but I will soon!

Thanks so much for the support!

-Alyssa <3

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