The deal.

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It was 5 am. Time to get up and clean the house, then make breakfast at 9am. Shit I have to go shopping too.

I'll just have to hurry up. Which is gonna be hard since me 'parents' broke at least one rip and I'm covered in bruises. I look like shit.

I put on some clothes and walked upstairs. I picked up the cleaning supplies and began cleaning downstairs. I'd do upstairs once my parents are gone for work.

After 2 hours of cleaning I was finally done. I had 2 hours left to do the shopping and to make breakfast.

I grabbed some money, my backpack and the keys. I walked out of the door and locked it. Then started my long journey to the grocery store. Once there I grabbed everything I needed and payed for it. Then started the same long journey back home.

I opened the door and listened. If I heard any sounds I'd be in trouble since I'd be late. But no sound was made. I sighed in relieve.

I walked into the kitchen and started unpacking. I then made breakfast for my o so lovely parents. I was finished just in time.

My parents came walking down the stairs and sat down.

"Bring us our food boy."

I nodded and grabbed their plates. They began eating, I was waiting for them to tell me what to do.

"What the hell are you looking at useless piece of shit!? Go down!"

I nodded and hurried away from them and into my room. I sat in my corner and cuddled up in my blanket. Trying to get some sort of warmth.

I heard some knocking upstairs. O no please don't let it be a 'client'! My body can't handle that!!

I heard voices, they were talking with my parents. Sounded like 3 men and 1 woman. My parents would tell me if I had more then 1 client so unless they became even more cruel I won't have to 'work' today.

God I hope so. Ugh who am I praying to? God!? Please if there was a god he wouldn't let me go through this!

I heard footsteps. They were getting closer to my door. Please don't be a client.

The door opened, I saw my father standing in the opening. He had a pleased look on his face. Now THAT really worries me! He's never pleased to see me!

"Get your filthy ass up here bitch."

I got up and followed behind him. This can't be good. We walked into the room and just as I suspected there were 3 guys and 1 female.

My father sat down next to my mother on the couch, the strangers were in front of them on the other couch.

"Sit down. On the floor."

And I did just that. Couldn't risk getting beaten even more.

I looked down since I wasn't allowed to look strangers in the eye unless they asked me to.

The female began talking first.

"Hi my name is Jesica, this is Thomas and Gabriel. We were sent here by the government to buy you."

So they were clients... wait! By the government!? Aren't they supposed to be against selling and beating up kids!? What the fuck is this shit!?

"You will go with them bitch and behave. You won't come back here. We finally sold you for good."

Wow thanks mother. I can feel the love.

The man, I believe Thomas, spoke to me.

"Go grab your stuff we'll leave in 10 minutes."

I nodded and walked downstairs. I grabbed my blanket and some clothes. There wasn't really anything else in here so...

I walked back up after 3 minutes and walked into the living room. The government people stood up. The female walked passed me while the other two grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me forward with them.

We went outside the house and stepped into a limo. Yes a limo.

I've never even been in a car! This was amazing!

I looked at the front door to see my parents waving us goodbye with happy faces. Stupid fuckers.

Since we are driving I will tell you a bit about myself. You already know I'm a boy. My names Emil. I'm 16-years-old, I have blond hair and blue eyes. I'm skinny since I never get anything to eat. I wouldn't say I'm tall but I'm not short either. I don't know my length since I'm not important enough to know.

I'm taller than my mother and around the same height as my father. I'm pansexual and kinda depressed. I think that's everything you should know for know so let's continue this story.

We just arrived at a very very big building.

They stepped out of the limo and pulled me out too. We walked into the building.

They greeted the secretary and walked towards the elevator. We waited for awhile then stepped in. We went to the top floor. That's where the boss always is right? If yes I'm in deep trouble.

The elevator binged and the doors opened. There was another secretary who said hi to us. The female opened the door en the men pushed me inside.

There was a big man sitting in a chair behind a very big desk.

"I see you brought the boy. Does he knows why he's here?"

The man said. With a very deep and grumpy voice.

"No sir he doesn't."

He nodded and stood up. Please don't hurt me! He walked up to me and stood still in front of me. He grabbed me by the shoulders, rather harshly, and bend down to my level.

"You, my boy, are bought by the government to experiment on. We want to make a super human that could help us with some... business. And you my boy were cheap, very cheap so we bought you."

I'm... I'm an experiment from now on... this is bad very very very bad! I hate my parent even more now!

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