Don't die on me!

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Robin was losing blood and they were losing it fast. I needed to stitch them up quickly. But where are the supplies I could use? Maybe the office? I can't go and search for it. They could bleed out by the time I either find it or not.

I opened the door to the office with my mind and moved Robin up. I held them stable as much as I could. I slowly moved towards the office and laid them down again. I opened those things in the closet.

I don't really care about the name right now. I thankfully found the stuff I needed. Thank you powers! I moved them to me and put the wool thing through that thingy in the needle.

I grabbed it with my hand and moved Robins shirt up. I moved the needle towards their wound. I started stitching them up. I will clean their wound later first have to stop them from dying on me.

"God Robin please don't die on me! Can you hear me Robin? Nod you head if you can."

They weakly nodded. Still had their eyes closed.

"Robin I need you to try and keep your eyes open ok? Just stay with me."

They opened their eyes and looked at me. They looked so weak. I had to clean their wounds and disinfect it. I had to get the first aid kit from upstairs. 

"Robin listen to me, I have to go and get the first aid kit from upstairs. I want you to keep pressure on your wound ok? I'll be back as soon as possible just.. just stay awake."

I immediately ran upstairs and into the bathroom. I grabbed the first aid kit which was under the sink. I ran downstairs and sat down next to Robin. They were still putting pressure on it. Though their strength kept getting lower and lower.

I quickly took over and put pressure on their wound. I opened the first aid kit with my mind and made the disinfect stuff came to me. I opened it and made the cotton things fly my way. I put some disinfect on the cotton shit.

I picked it up with my hands and dabbled it on their wounds. They winced. It must have hurt. I know it does. Ugh I'm being an idiot. Concentrate Emil!

I disinfected their wound and put one of those big plasters on it. I normally wrapped mine up in bandages too but mine were on my arms or legs not on my stomach. Well once it was. Ok so maybe more then once but that's not the point.

I'm kinda thankful my parents used to shoot me, now I know Robin didn't get shot in any organs. Just flesh and muscles.

I had to get them upstairs and clean up the president and his helpers. I made Robin fly again, as stable as possible. I moved them slowly upstairs and laid them down on their bed. I then ran of for a cold cloth. Once I was back in the room Robin was already asleep. Good they need their rest. I put the cloth on their head and walked downstairs.

Now the big problem. What to do with this mess? I could use the woods and burry them? Or set them on fire first, that way the dogs can't smell them out. Yeah I'll burn them first then burry them.

I moved them outside and made a big campfire. I love campfires. I put the government people on it first. The president was fat so I needed the fire to burn really good. Is that how you say it?

After awhile the bodies went on fire. It was a nice sight. An hour later or so the bodies were gone. I put the president on it. Now that I think about it I don't even know his name. Not that I care but still.

It was already getting late so I went inside and made some dinner. Just something light. Robin wouldn't be able to handle real dinner. Once it was done I put it on a... shit how do you call it? Robin taught me but I forgot.. like a really big plate made out of plastic. You put things on it like... a cup and plate and shit like that??

Ugh I hate this! I feel so stupid! Anyways I put it on that big plate and went upstairs. I knocked on Robins door and heard a weak come in. I moved inside the room and saw Robin laying in bed. Not like they could go anywhere else but.. ok so I put the big plate on their nightstand.

I picked up the cloth and felt their temperature. Not sick. That's good!

"How are you feeling?"

"Like it jut got shot."

I chuckled at that. Since that's exactly what happened.

"I made you some light dinner. I cleaned up the bodies and blood. I'll clean your wound again once your done eating ok? Is there anything else you need?"

"No thanks Emil. Just.. stay here?"

I nodded and sat down next to them. I brought my own dinner too. Being the smart ass I am. That was sarcastic right? Robin taught me what it was. They used sarcasm on me a couple of times and I thought they meant it... so they taught me what it was.

After dinner I moved the sheets down and Robins shirt up. I peeled the plaster off and picked up the disinfect stuff. I brought the first aid kit with me when I was moving Robin upstairs.

I put some disinfect stuff on a cotton thing and cleaned their wound. It looked good. Bleeding stopped so that's good. It still has to heal of course but it was looking good.

Once I was done I put a new plaster on it and moved their shirt down and sheets up. I picked up the cloth and went to the bathroom. I made it wet again and laid it on Robins head.

I was about to move out and clean downstairs up a bit more when Robin grabbed my hand. I turned around and looked at them.

"Don't go. Please just lay with me for awhile."

I locked the doors downstairs anyways so why not? I nodded and moved towards the bed. My heart was going wild. Robin lifted up the covers. I laid down and immediately Robin cuddled up to me. As far as they could with their wound of course.

I moved closer to them too. I smiled to myself once I heard their heart beat. It was going crazy like mine. I'm glad Robins still alive.

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