Chapter 3 -The Writers (Yes I'm Going There People)

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Look, for those of you out there that are being rant worthy, I'm about to call every single one of you out.

      1. The Over Noter - This is the writer that writes so many 'thank you' and 'I love you guys' notes that the majority of your book is talking about how awsm your readers are. I am aware of that fact and I take pride in it bit I want to read the book now so how about you post a chapter, and then we can party alright?

      2. No chapter all lover - These are the writers that do post but only 3 paragraphs of what they posted is actually a chapter. The rest is stuff that might as well have a giant spam on it. I dont want to hear about what your great uncle got your niece okay. I want to hear the story.  I'm not trying to sound mean or anything but seriously it gets old very quickly.

       3. Never Ever Updates - It's been 3 months since the last update. Where are you?  Did you and you connection disappear? If yoy were uncertain that you were going to able to update than just say something so I don't have to keep checking daily for your updates since you've decided to abandon me.

       °-° All ofnthis is so true to me yall don't even know
           Share. With those writers so they can get a hint and pull themselves together.

             Love Yas!


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