Chapter Twenty: Free?

Start from the beginning

"Jake!" I hissed, "You're gonna get us kicked out!"

"Why would that be bad? This place is a drag!" he answered loudly.

"Well at least let me stay for the food! I'm hungry Jake!" I whined.

People were still staring. I could imagine why.

"Okay, okay. We'll stay. But after this we're going somewhere more interesting!"

I rolled my eyes. "Oh yeah? Like where?"

He paused for a second, and then winked at me. "It's a surprise."

I smirked. "Which means... you don't know. Am I right?"

He fake-gasped and pretended to be offended. "I never said that! Are you saying I don't know where I plan on taking my amazing girlfriend?"

I couldn't help but giggle. "Yup. That's exactly what I'm saying." I said, sticking out my tongue, silently daring him to argue.

Jake's shoulders slumped in defeat. "Well, you're right. I don't know where we're going. But if you're with me, anything should be fun, right?" he asked, winking.

So I just stuck my tongue out again and grabbed the salt. He looked puzzled until I tipped the salt shaker over his drink, and then he lunged for my hand and nearly tackled me to the floor. I dropped the salt in defeat and closed my eyes, refusing to open them. Jake said my name a few times, snapped his fingers on front of my eyes, and even blew in my face. But I didn't move until he kissed me. And then I shoved him back.

"Jake! People are staring! Stop it!" I sputtered, barely able to control my laughter. Because people really were staring. One teenager (probably on break) had a fork halfway to her mouth, frozen in midair. I could feel my face burning, and my body was shaking in silent laughter. Jake stuck out his bottom lip, pouting, and then leaned back so I could sit up. I covered my mouth with my hands and ducked my head into his chest, trying to breathe. When I finally sat up, the waitress was putting our food on the table.

Completely forgetting about the chips and the still staring people, I instantly grabbed a fork and cut a piece off of the cheese enchiladas. Before Jake could say anything, I took the bite and started chewing. He narrowed his eyes at me and grabbed his fork too.

"No!" I squealed, trying to block him with my arm. He practically sat on me, and the waitress stormed away, rolling her eyes and muttering under her breath, but he managed to get a bite of my enchiladas. I pushed him off of me and jabbed him in the side with my finger.

"Seriously?" he asked me, one eyebrow raised. "That's the best you can do? Poke me?"

I shrugged, swallowed my food, and sipped my soda, carefully avoiding his eyes and trying to hide my smug grin.

I shrieked in surprise when Jake poked me in the ribs. My soda tipped and I just barely managed to save it. I looked over and saw him smirking. "I win." he said simply. And then he ate another bite of my enchiladas.

So I poked him in the side again. Hard.

Anyone can imagine how long that went on. We were still poking each other whenever we ran out of the restaurant, laughing at the screaming manager behind us. I dodged Jake the best I could, ducking into allies and hiding behind trees, but he caught me every time. Eventually, I collapsed on the grass in the middle of the park and just laughed while he knelt over me, poking and tickling my sides.

"Say I win!" he ordered.

I was so breathless I could barely answer him. "No!"

"Say I win!"

"No!" I was crying because I was laughing so hard now.

Jake stopped poking me abruptly. I opened my eyes, panting, and blushed furiously when I realized his lips were less than an inch away from mine.

His breath was hot on my mouth. I couldn't breathe, couldn't think straight.

"Amy?" he whispered.

"Huh? was all I managed to say.

"Say I win."

And then Jake crushed his lips onto mine. Once I got over my shock, I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around the back of his neck and pulling myself closer to him. When we broke apart, I was gasping for air.

"Stop doing that!" I gasped.

"Doing what?" he asked innocently.

"Not letting me breathe!"

Jake gave me puppy dog eyes, which I ignored. "So you don't like kissing me?"

I rolled my eyes. "That's not it Jake. I just enjoy breathing too! I can never breathe around you!"

"Oh, so now I take your breath away?" he asked, smirking.

I groaned. "Whatever helps you sleep at night, Mr. Huge-Ego."

Jake stuck his tongue out and then laid down beside me. The sky was dark, and the stars were out. They looked like diamonds on black velvet fabric. It was amazing.

"Can I say something?" he whispered.

"Do you really have to ask?"

He was quiet for a second. "I don't want to leave. Here, with you... I don't ever want to leave."

My heart skipped a beat. I still got a rush whenever he said something like that. And I hoped I always did.

"Me too." I answered. It was simple, but so true. I could have stayed there for ages, or at least that's how it felt.

We laid in silence for a while longer. I'm not sure how long it was before I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. But when I woke up, I was in the backseat of Alise's car, leaning on Jake. Not even bothering to wonder how I had gotten there, I closed my eyes again. And I didn't open them until we pulled into a driveway.

I yawned, looked out my window, and sucked in my breath. Because in the driveway to my house, stood Erec. His hands were in his pockets and he was grinning sheepishly.

I couldn't move, couldn't breathe. And before I even realized what was happening, Jake was out the door and stomping up to Erec, his hands clenched into fists. I moved to open my door, but before I could do anything, Jake was drawing back his fist and swinging towards Erec's nose.

And I knew he wouldn't miss.

"Nothing that's worthwhile is ever easy. Remember that."

- Nicholas Sparks, Message in a Bottle

Another cliffhanger.... Don't hate me! haha(:

Once again, thanks so much for reading! It's not over yet ;)

-Alyssa <3

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