Got tagged yeetus

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Hi, it's me again, in case you don't know me:
Hi I'm Billy, I have in age I live in New Zealand and I am a gay trans dude and I got tagged by princey also known as Bannana14notin so here goes

Hi, it's me again, in case you don't know me: Hi I'm Billy, I have in age I live in New Zealand and I am a gay trans dude and I got tagged by princey also known as Bannana14notin so here goes

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1. I believe the last person I kissed was my mother. (boooooo) shudup! I love my mum she's great and accepting.

2. Phone case

3.ummm I don't remember any dreams sorry

4. It's currently like 1:15 in the morning so no I haven't met anyone new

5. Chocolate, pizza, ice cream, and grilled cheese sandwiches

6. Lettuce

7. ?

8. Pfft I lick it duh (boy that sounds weird out of context)

9.wish it was shorter and purple but yea love it definitely gained confidence since I got it cut short

10. No

11. No

12. Yes it's the best thing you can have on toast ( now I'm craving that)

13. Silence by silence

14. Counting the one I live in, half of one

15. Kinda?

16. Hell no!

17. Yes it's a blue dragon he's so sparkly and I love him

18. Abby and Mackenzie

19. From who now?

20. Yep multiple

21. Very the three key things a teenager needs to know all start with S

22. No but I want one

23. Huh?

24. Yea a car window when I was 8 or 9

25. Nope

Imma tag 5 people and they are


Question of the day:
How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

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