harry held louis' hand and looked at him lovingly. he missed him so much. the beautiful smooth hair, his button nose, those eyelashes, the perfectly sculpted cheekbones and those lips. he missed kissing those lips. he missed the warmth of his soft lips and the warmth and comfort of being embraced in his arms.

louis started blushing under harry's intense stare but smirked, "like what you see?"

harry rolled his eyes and brought them back to look into louis' , not wavering for even a second. "always. and i wish i could see more of you everyday."

louis' smirk slowly melted away as his heart started beating at an insane rate that louis felt was probably unhealthy.

"i love you so much, louis," harry said, stating each word slowly and with emphasis.

louis slowly leaned in as harry continued to profess his love.

"i love the way you laugh in the back of your hand up against your lips, the way you sing every melody perfectly, your words woven into passion and so much emotion. the care with which you handle people and the love you pour out to everyone and anyone around you, the way your face scrunches up in a little ball of sunshine when you give a genuine smile, the way your eyes sparkle when you're reminded of how gorgeous and important you are. .." harry could go on and on but his breath hitched as louis leaned even closer. harry leaned in too. they lingered there for a second, taking in one another's scent & able to feel the other's warm breath before louis closed the distance. they both finally felt at home after a long time.

harry put his hand against louis' warm cheek and louis tilted his head into it. harry stroked his cheek and they pulled back.

"i love you too harry," louis whispered with a rasp, his eyes scanning harry's face with the intent of taking it all in before they were forced to part ways again. tears brimmed his eyes as he said, "forever and always."

larry stylinson one shots Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora