Coffee Date

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Shiro Kaneki X Human Reader

This is it. The day finally came. Friday. The day where you get to go on a date with him. Kaneki Ken. You remember seeing him with his white hair, bobbing gently as he walked alongside you. You two had been friends for a few years now. You remember the day when he came out of the hospital, sickly and looking not right. You remember as you found out about what he had become. You still loved and accepted him. You remember seeing him as he wore his Anteiku uniform and glided around the small coffee shop, taking and delivering people's orders. You remember that dreaded day when he vanished. Gone. For a few weeks you saw or heard nothing of him. Until you saw him walking gently down the streets towards a park. You came and sat next to him, conversing gently as he explained everything. The torture. His desire to protect his friends. His desire to protect you. As well as his developing kakuja. After a while of chatting, he had told you how he loved to see your smile. You walk around Kamii like an angel floating in the Heavens. He loved you. He still loves you. He eventually paused. Took a breath. Then finally asked if you would like to come on a date with him to a coffee shop he had recently discovered, named 'Hanako's Coffee'. You of course agreed immediately. And here you are now. Dressed in your favourite outfit.

After a steady walk, you arrived at the door of the coffee shop. Small and cosy. Taking your seat, you sat next to the window. Looking out over a gentle pond, blossom trees and park. Soon enough, your white haired cinnamon bun arrived in casual attire with a gentle smile placed over his porcelain features. He quickly took his seat as you two ordered your beverages. You two had a long and peaceful conversion about books, coffee and Japanese literature. Until you could resist it no more. You stood up and bent over the table, stretching out your arm and hand. You pet his soft white hair.
"Uhm... (Your Name)-chan? What are you doing?" Kaneki asked softly.
"Your hair... so fluffy!" You squeaked. A deep tint of pink dusted over the male's nose and cheeks. Your face was just as heated.

You sat down back into your seat. Your cheeks still tinted a reddish hue, just like Kaneki's. A small chuckle erupted from the male.
"(Your Name)-chan?" He questioned.
"Yes Kaneki-Kun?" Your blush heated even more.
"Would you be my girlfriend?" He spoke, as he smiled warmly.
"Of course Kaneki-Kun!" You beamed, as your cheeks somehow grew hotter. His pale cheeks were now dusted with a deep tint of scarlet as he smiled lovingly at your adorable features.
"I love you (Your Name)-chan. I'm glad you found me again." He whispered as he bent over the table, planting his lips onto yours.
"I love  you too Kaneki-Kun."

Author's Note: So how was that? It was the first one shot so it probably sucked. Either way, I hope you have a nice day and thank you for reading!

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